Are you wondering how you’re going to get things done this summer now that your kids are at home? Are you thinking of what your kids could do every day so they aren’t just sitting in front of a screen? These are questions I’ve wondered too, so I decided to do something about it. Welcome to my plan on how to have a summer of success!
I created worksheets to help track your goals and daily activities throughout summer for you and your kids. They will hold you accountable and keep you organized throughout summer when things tend to be a little more crazy. I want you to think of these worksheets as a guide on what to do on the daily rather than something you have to do. Things should be fun most of the time, and especially in the summer, so make your goals something you WANT to do!
What I love the most about this plan on how to have a summer of success is how it gives my kids clear expectations for summer. They know they don’t just wake up and turn on the TV and they don’t bug me with what they should do instead. My kids get up and start to work on their goals without me having to say or do anything because we have our summer of success in place. Mom win!
One caveat I must mention is as a biz mama we are too optimistic….and our optimism is killing us. Haha! We have this bright view of what we think we can get done, but it’s not realistic enough. My summer of success will help you and your kids create goals that are realistic AND give you that boost of excitement.
Summer of Success for Mom
There are 3 worksheets included in your summer of success. An ideal weekly schedule, goal creation, and a goal tracker. Each one will keep you organized on what you want to accomplish and what you need to do to get there.
Worksheet #1: Ideal Weekly Schedule
This is where you’ll plan out your IDEAL schedule for the week. I emphasize “ideal” because most likely everything will not happen on this schedule. However, it’ll help you plan things out. Plus, it’ll be nice to get all your thoughts onto paper and out of your head so you can stop thinking about it.
Write down when you will work and when you will spend time with your kids. I have my schedule set up for my kids to work on their chores and goals in the morning and then by lunch time they bring me their worksheet so I can see the progress they made for that day. If they want to relax or do something with a friend they know their daily responsibilities need to be checked off first.
It’s not until after lunch time and my kids have already finished their chores and worked on their goals that they are allowed to do screen time. I do this on purpose because I also use their screen time for my work time. If they were to do screen time first thing in the morning before I’m even up, I wouldn’t be able to work during it like I’m able to later in the day. Finding those pockets of work time is sacred for us as a biz mama!
Worksheet #2: Goal Creation
This worksheet is really simple. Choose 1-2 big goals you want to accomplish by the end of summer. It can be literally anything you want. Next, you’ll write down what you need to do monthly, weekly, and daily in order to accomplish the goals.
Note when you have things planned like special family day activities or vacations, so you can keep your timeline realistic. It’s OK to have things change as you go along! Like I said earlier, these worksheets are meant to be your guide.
Worksheet #3: Goal Tracker
This is your checklist or a place to track your habits, so you can hold yourself accountable. Worksheet #2 is more your plan of what you want to accomplish and this worksheet is more of what you actually did to accomplish them. We are way more likely to meet our goals when we have an accountability plan set up, so this one is key if you’re serious about meeting those goals!
Of course, there’s a place for you to write your reward at the bottom. A reward in itself is meeting your goals, but there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back. Think of something fun you’d want to do for yourself or with your family to celebrate your victory!
Summer of Success for Your Kids
This can be a lot of fun for your kids. Help them choose goals that are exciting for them and things they really want to learn that they can’t necessarily learn in a classroom setting. For example, my little girl has a goal to be a better roller skater. (She falls a lot!) All my kids have really gotten into this summer of success and I love seeing their confidence grow from meeting these goals all on their own.
I have different versions of the kids’ worksheets. One for younger kids vs. older kids and one for boys vs. girls. I’ve noticed this matters since I have all of the above in my house! The kids will choose four goals–one for each category: physical, spiritual, mental, and fun.
Once the worksheets are filled with their goals, the fun part begins! Now you’re all living your best lives meeting goals and being productive throughout summer. OK, that will only happen in a perfect world, BUT things will flow a lot better because everyone will be living in that same rhythm of accomplishing goals and holding themselves accountable. Are you ready for your family to have a summer of success too?
Instagram Accounts to Follow for Family Activity Ideas
Along with my summer of success worksheets, I gathered a list of Instagram accounts (thanks for your help!) who are all about kid and family friendly summer activities you can do together. Fill your Instagram feed with these creative ideas and you’ll start loving summer with your kids! Summer really is a special opportunity to spend time with your kids, so don’t let the trickiness of it keep you from making amazing memories together.
Follow these Instagram accounts to get you in gear for summer activities (and beyond). These mamas are all about thriving and not just surviving when raising your kids, and I know we all want in on that! These accounts could also help your kids find ideas for their goals in their summer of success, and maybe you’ll find some for you too!
- Busy Toddler
- Mel Creative Co
- Jordan Page
- Fun, Cheap, or Free
- Studio DIY
- Lovely Indeed
- Girl and a Glue Gun
- Mama Lisa’s Kitchen
- Everyday Reading
- Local Passport Family
- Merricks Art
- Mother Could
This is how to have a summer of success. Using these worksheets and planning out your days and goals will make an incredible difference in your summer for you and your kids. I know it because it has worked for me over and over again. You can download your free worksheets here to start planning! Follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford and let me know how your summer of success is going!
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