Should I blog? I get asked this a lot.
The easy answer: Yes.
The real answer: it depends.
If your business need a blog will depend on the type of business you have and your goals with your business.
You can take this 2 minute quiz to decide if a blog could help your business:
[interact id=”5a7b83666f4a4800147a3e46″ type=”quiz”]
Consider these questions when deciding if a blog is right for your business:
How do you want to grow your business? Will you be focusing on growing online? If so, then you are going to need an online presence. A blog is a great way to share your expertise and give your insight. If you are not going to focus online and want to go more in-person approach, then forgoing a blog is an okay choice.
How do you want potential customers to find you?
If you want to use Google and Pinterest to get your content out there, then having a blog is a must. If you are pinning other people’s content onto your Pinterest board and none of your own, then you are not growing your business. You are just pinning for fun (which is fine, but let’s call it like it is;).
Are you going to use email marketing to grow your business?
If yes, then you need to have a blog. This will help you create a space to send Instagram followers to get on your email list and turn those followers into customers.
I obviously am biased to blogging because I have tested this theory out and found that blogging is an amazing way to build your business.
There are some things to consider when starting a blog:
-Can you commit to being consistent with your blog (It is best to post at least once a week on your blog)
-Do you know how to create content that get seen on Google and shared on Pinterest (If not, I have a course just for you)
-Do you know what you want to write about? (Choosing a niche is the easiest way to stand out online.)
-Do you want to be awesome? (Just kidding, you are already awesome. Blogging can just help you get your awesome out to the world.)
If you are ready to commit to blogging, I have a free step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a blog here. I also have a A Girlfriend’s Guide to Blogging course that is $50 off. Use code getblogging50 at checkout.
Excited to see your business grow!
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