Hey, biz sister, how’s it going? You might be reading this if you are feeling stuck with your content creation. We’ve all been there. Sometimes we get lost in the comparison battle and then all the negative thoughts sneak in, distracting us from how amazing we are and the work we feel called to do. And then somehow we get out of it and keep moving forward. What if I told you there’s a way to get out of that funk sooner? And I’d even dare say, prevent it from happening altogether? Here are 4 things to do when you don’t feel like showing up.
Before we jump into my four secrets, there’s something I need to tell you. You’re being too precious with your content.
There, I said it. You’re probably thinking, “What in the world, Michelle? How could I be too precious with my content?” What I mean by this is too many of us are waiting for the perfect equipment, the perfect time in our lives, and the perfect words to say before we ever publish anything.
But perfection is a lie. And it’s a lie we tell ourselves because it covers up our fear. The fear of saying or doing something that is wrong or causes people to judge you a certain way. But you know what? I believe that you need to just put your content out there and things will work out as you go–exactly how they are supposed to.
A Look Inside My Biz Journey
Raise your hand if you remember Periscope. This was a popular app back in the good old days when you couldn’t go live on Facebook. (Yes, I’ve been doing this business for a while!) So, years ago I got a Periscope account and a friend convinced me to go live for the first time ever. And it was the most awkward six minutes of my life…OK, maybe not of my life but it’s definitely in the top five!
The point I’m trying to make is now (after many, many, MANY lives) I can go live and talk so fluidly without much preparation and it’s the best. And the only reason I can do that is because I have been going live for such a long time now. I’ve gained the experience and skills to produce a quality live video.
So, the secret to producing quality content is to take action and put your stuff out there right now. So, what type of content scares you? Is it an Instagram live, a reel, or YouTube video? Just make it, post it and move on. Odds are your first reel (or whatever it may be) is not going to be very good. That’s just how it works. You have to create content in order to make great content later on.
4 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Showing Up
I am doing regular mental work with my life coach. I need her to help me walk through my thought processes and turn them into thoughts that are true and serve me. And that’s what my 4 secrets on this list will help you do too.
When you don’t feel like showing up, you have to figure out the real reason behind why you feel this way. Usually, it’s because you don’t want to embarrass yourself, get judged, or do something wrong. There are a million things that you could be afraid to do online, but it usually comes down to these three reasons. So, whenever you get into this fear funk, these 4 things to do when you don’t feel like showing up will get you out of it. This is what I do and it works like a charm every time!
Positive Mind Trick #1: Identify the lie that is holding you back from creating content.
It’s time to get really specific about the lie (or lies) you are telling yourself. One that has gone through my head recently is, “People are going to get sick of hearing from me.”
I’m posting all the time, sharing my thoughts all the time, whether they are asked for or not. So I’m worried that you all will get tired of me and leave! Haha. But in all honesty, this lie is a limiting belief that is not going to stop me anymore. I have a lot to share! And the more I share, the better I’m going to get at sharing.
So, what is the lie that is holding you back from creating your content? Identify it and write it down.
Positive Mind Trick #2: Figure out the deep thought behind your lie.
Now that you’ve identified your lie, it’s time to figure out the deep thought you have behind it. Usually, the deep thought behind it is connected to a core belief. And that core belief is that we’re not enough. That we’re going to be judged. That we’re going to mess up. We’re going to fail.
So, figure out which one of those core beliefs you’re experiencing and ultimately holding you back from sharing your content. For example, maybe your lie is you’re not ready to post a reel. And the deeper thought behind that is, that you don’t know enough compared to (fill in the blank), so you’re going to wait until you’re a little more ahead to share.
The truth is, no one else will ever post a reel like you because you are the only you! And that is special–and super important to remember and embrace every single time you’re creating.
Positive Mind Trick #3: Ask yourself if that deep thought is true.
Is it universally true that you are not enough? Of course not! You have enough followers, you’re doing enough, and you are not going to fail. Let that sink in.
As soon as you decide that your debilitating thought is not true, you can focus on and even brainstorm thoughts that serve you. This is when you take that conscious step to stop those negative thoughts and change them into thoughts that serve you and think about those instead.
So, what are some better thoughts that you could have around the action you’re scared to take? Instead of thinking you don’t know enough to post a reel, you could change the thought to, “creating and sharing reels is so fun and I’m only going to get better.” Doesn’t that sound so much better? I can already feel the weight lifting off of your shoulders!
Positive Mind Trick #4: When you feel like not showing up, think of your better thought.
If you feel the push to post a reel, but don’t want to do it because it’s uncomfortable, think of your positive thought. “Posting reels are fun and I love being able to connect with my audience!”
This practice will come into play any time you feel shy and hesitant about hitting post. It’s OK to feel uncomfortable. But then you’re going to share the reel anyway. Or post the video, story, etc. anyway. Say it with me, “Feel the feeling and then do it anyway.”
I’ll even tell you what I tell my kids when they feel uncomfortable about doing something new–that’s just your body telling you something exciting is about to happen!
3 Ways to Get More Comfortable in Front of the Camera
If video is really where you feel the most nervous when it comes to sharing content, there are ways to warm up to it. Here are 3 ideas to help you get started. Remember, it will feel awkward and uncomfortable at first, but you’ve just got to do it and keep moving forward! Seriously, the secret to my sauce is taking action.
Camera Shy Antidote #1: Instagram Stories
I love the stories feature on Instagram and Facebook. It doesn’t affect the algorithm of your posts or your other content, so you can have a lot of fun with stories. Plus, it is a great tool to help let people into your daily life. You can talk about chores you’re getting done that day or whatever, even if it is a little outside of your niche because those types of things are what help connect your audience to you.
Stories are an excellent way for you to get more comfortable in front of the camera. It mostly feels like you’re sending a video to your friends who want to watch you and listen to you anyway! Stories feel a little less scary because it’s a great way to connect with your friends and serve your audience.
Camera Shy Antidote #2: Trending Reels
If you’re completely new to posting reels, try starting with some that are trending. You can do this by taking some trending audio and putting your own spin on the video part. This is something so many influencers are doing and it works!
It’s really a win-win because the audio is already done for you and even most of the content idea. You just have to find a way to make the audio match something within your niche and film it. It’s a little less intimidating when you have that trending audio, and because it’s trending more people will see it and discover you! I share trending audio ideas on my Instagram stories every Wednesday, so follow me HERE to get those served to you right at the top of your feed!
Camera Shy Antidote #3: Going Live with a Friend
If you’ve been wanting to go live for a while now, but the thought of doing it makes you want to run and hide, try doing it with a friend! This takes a lot of the pressure off because it’s more like a friendly conversation rather than it feeling like it all depends on you to keep the video going.
Having that friend there to chat with will help you get more comfortable in front of the camera and help build you up for when you’re ready to do one on your own. Plus, I promise the time will go by so fast because you will be having so much fun! Click HERE to see an example of a live I did with my dear friend Lisa Funk.
4 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Showing Up
OK, there’s something that’s been on my mind and I can’t finish this post without telling you first. And it is that it has never been easier to grow a business. Period. Women 50 years ago would have loved this opportunity. They would have loved to have a voice, to have a platform, to have an opportunity, to be home with their kids, and have this business. And now we are like, “but I’m too scared of posting something. I’m too scared of going live. I’m too scared of starting a podcast.” Or whatever it is.
And the truth is that you’re here at this time for a reason. And so if you feel called to this work, you better stand up and do it. It’s time. It’s time to do it. This is your routine kick in the pants from me because I love you and I believe in you.
I don’t want your fears to get in the way of making your magic. So, you’ve got to do the thought work and these 4 things to do when you don’t feel like showing up are exactly where you should start. We’ve all got these growing pains, but it’s one of the best feelings in the world to look back and see how far we’ve come and what we’ve accomplished.
OK, if you liked this post and want more, make sure to follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford! And you can tune into my weekly podcast HERE where I share all of my biz secrets with you to help build you up and show you that growing a biz is really so much fun!
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