How to Install Any Showit Template
Are you new to Showit? Showit is the BEST website builder out there. Its’ features like drag and drop and canvas organization make your website designing process a breeze. I could go on about how much I love Showit, but you can just check out my past blog posts about Showit here if you’re interested. Now, let’s get into how to install any Showit template.
Installing a website template to Showit is a quick 4-step process. I know you are busy trying to take care of your kids AND run a business, so I want to make these extra things that help run a successful business quick and painless. The quick design process is one of the main reasons I love using Showit–and it’s even faster when you install a Showit template. With a template, you just make a few tweaks to make it match your brand and you’re done!
What is a Showit Template?
A Showit template is the design template you choose for your website. The template already has the designing done for you, so all you have to do is pick which one you like. You can still customize your template as much as you like to make it match your brand.
Picking a template for your Showit website, rather than starting with a blank canvas, will save a ton of time while still getting the final product you will love. The bulk of the work is already done yet you still have the creative control to make it represent your brand.
Where Can I Get a Showit Template?
Showit offers several templates for free with the subscription. Once you sign in to Showit, you will see options to choose through different templates for your website.
You can check out my templates here if none of those templates really speak to you for your brand. My Showit templates are strategically designed to make you money. I’ve done so much research in the flow of a website that will lead your visitor to your products. By the time they’ve reached your product page, they’ve already gotten to know you and your why.
If they are your people, they will feel inspired with your message and want to take part in it. My Showit templates will increase your numbers–in followers and revenue. If you want a bit more direction on the type of template that will make your business last, my templates are for you.
4 Steps to Installing a Website Template to Showit
Once you are signed in to Showit, you will see options to use any of Showit’s free templates. If you want to use one of these, the template will already be installed and you can add it to your Showit Library.
Otherwise, you can follow these four steps to install any Showit template:
Step 1: Click “own design” in the top right hand corner.
Step 2: Click “Add design to library.”
Step 3: Copy and paste your Showit Design Share Key and press enter.
Step 4: Click “add now” to preview your new Showit template.
Your Showit Design Share Key is the share key that comes with your purchase for your website template. It’s a string of letters and numbers that will import your template into your Showit account library.
How to Customize your Installed Showit Template
Now that you have a website design you love, it’s time to start customizing it, so it matches your brand. You will probably want to start by changing your colors and fonts. Your colors and fonts are two things that keep your brand looking professional and consistent.
To adjust your color palette, go to Site > Design Settings. Adjust your colors from there.
To customize your fonts, go to Design Settings > Style > and change your fonts from there. You have the option to choose from the Showit font list or add a custom font. If you add a Google font it will be added to the Showit font list. Be sure to save it, so it’s there for next time.
I hope you see how quick and easy it is to install any Showit template. Showit does such a great job with creating a website that is beautiful to look at while still meeting your business goals. Especially when you use Showit templates from your brand and content strategist like me.
I’m here for you, I am cheering you on, and I want your business to last. Follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford to keep learning about how to own a killer business!
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