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3 Things You Can Do for Your Biz in December 

Business Tips

You made it! You pushed through all the craziness of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. Now you can sit back a bit (hopefully) and start to prepare for the new year. If you’re feeling at all frazzled with trying to wrap things up and plan content for the new year, I have just the thing (or three) for you. Here are 3 things you can do for your biz in December. 



In the past, I’ve gotten frantic when December hits. My mind starts to race when I begin trying to squeeze as many emails as I can in order to sell just a few more products. However, it never turned out well because I was rushed and my strategy or writing wasn’t well thought out. 

I’m saying goodbye to the frantic and hello to the calm! I want to be present with my family and this precious time with them during the holidays without feeling like my business (or income) is sacrificed. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? Practicing these 3 things you can do for your biz in December will help make it happen! 


3 Things You Can Do for Your Biz in December 


marketing tips and tricks for small businesses. www.iammichellegifford.com


Thing #1: Be Honest

The best thing you can do this month is to be honest with yourself on what all you can get done and what is most important to do first. For me, I only have a little over two weeks left before my kids are home for Christmas break. That means I only have that little time frame to work on my business and prepare it for the new year. 

While a short timeline always adds some pressure, it also helps you know how to prioritize your to-do list. As you decide what your priorities are, make sure it really is what’s best for your business and not what you feel pressure to do from any outside influences. (E.g. Is it really the best use of time for you to spend most of your time on Instagram promoting a product or is it better to get a head start on your content strategy for the new year?)

How to start feeling excited abour your biz for the new year. www.iammichellegifford.com


Thing #2: Be Intentional 

Be intentional about what you say yes to. Whether that’s a yes to writing a sales email or a yes to attend a Christmas party. Does your yes really move the needle in your business and in your life?

One thing I’m saying yes to is making and delivering treats to all of my neighbors. I don’t know all of my neighbors super well, so getting to know them is important to me. However, I am saying no to two days of baking in the kitchen. I used to bake and prepare an assortment of cookies for my neighbors, but this year I am doing kettle corn. I already feel so relieved, and it’s something I can have my kids help with! 

I hope this example helps you see that you don’t have to do things the way you’ve always done them. It is more than OK for you to switch things up in order for them to work best for you. (And what’s best for you then may be different than what’s best for you now.) 

3 things you should do in the last month of the year for your business. www.iammichellegifford.com


Thing #3: Be Prepared 

I love the setup I have for my biz right now–my big pushes for selling my products are September-November and I spend the majority of December prepping my biz for the new year. This makes it so I can be present with my family without feeling stressed that I am falling behind on my business plans or marketing strategies. 

I don’t want you looking back on this past year feeling frazzled that you didn’t do enough, sell enough, or spend enough time on your business. December should be a time where you look forward and get excited for your business in the upcoming year. 

I recommend spending at least an hour some time this month to plan out your content for the new year. If you want some help or coaching with creating your content strategy, join Money Makers. That’s all we are focusing on this month. It would be so great to have you! 

what to do for your business to prepare it for the new year. www.iammichellegifford.com



3 Things You Can Do for Your Biz in December 

I hope you can breathe a bit better now after learning the 3 things you can do for your biz in December. I wish you all the success in your biz and the special moments to be made with your family this Christmas. I adore you and am SO grateful you are here! 

If you want some help or guidance with planning your content strategy for the new year, join my coaching group, Money Makers! We are deep-diving into the strategies to help your business grow in the new year. I’d love to have you there! You can also follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford for more tips and tricks for having a built to last business. 

BONUS TIP: Let your followers know how long you will be gone for Christmas break. You deserve a break, and your people will be busy too so don’t feel bad for leaving social media for a bit! 



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