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5 archetypes that will unlock your business potential. www.iammichellegifford.com

5 Archetypes that Will Unlock Your Business Potential

Business Tips, Coaching

You are going to love this post because it’s all about learning why you respond the way you do in different situations. I chatted with mindset coach, Chris Richards, who has been in this field for almost 10 years and has worked with some really successful entrepreneurs. His insight will give you some much-needed perspective on the 5 archetypes that will unlock your business potential. 



Chris is obsessed with why people do what they do. For instance, you can line up 100 people, put them all in the same situation and you’re going to get 100 different responses. Over the past 10 years, Chris has analyzed his research and broke it down to where he can safely put people into a primary and/or secondary archetype that are from the five key archetypes. 

If you aren’t familiar with the term “archetypes” it is a theory used to identify what type of person you are and the explanation behind your behaviors. There are fears attached to each of the five main archetypes and limitations that can be created because of those fears. On the flip side of that, there are strengths with each archetype that drives amazing growth. When you can maximize those strengths and overcome the weaknesses, you start to create magic in your life and in your business. 


5 archetypes that will unlock your business potential. www.iammichellegifford.com


5 Archetypes that Will Unlock Your Business Potential

The main thing Chris wants us to double down on is aligning our business strategies with our archetype. If you are doing actions that aren’t aligned with your values then you’re not going to experience the amount of motivation you could have if you were to get aligned. You’re going to feel like you’re just checking the box and doing things because someone said to do them. 

Do you ever feel that way?

Let’s find your archetype so you can start reigniting that passion for your business and who you are as a person and business owner. You can actually visit Chris’s website HERE and take the quiz so you can find out which archetype you fall under. But let’s find out more about what these archetypes are, shall we? 


Archetype #1: The Strategist 

The strategist’s key strength is that they are incredible at research and planning. They tend to learn and retain a ton of information. If you see strategists held back it’s usually because they are in this pattern where they are building and building and then they get to the point where they feel blocked because they need more clarity or information. 

If you are someone who has a ton of drafts saved for your reels on Instagram or have done a ton of content planning, but refrain from hitting publish, you could be a strategist. It’s at the point of publishing where you suddenly feel like you need more information, your content needs to be better, etc. 

There is a difference between wanting it to be as good as it can be and needing it to be perfect.

Strategists are incredible at creating plans, goal setting, vision boarding, and knowing exactly where they want to go. The problem is when it comes to implementation. A lot of strategists get caught up in the thought, “What if it goes wrong?” 

Strategists want clarity of the perfect way in order to never fail. They fall into a sabotaging pattern when they are doing everything humanly possible to avoid failure. 


how to explode your biz through finding your archetype. www.iammichellegifford.com


Archetype #2: The Experimentalist

The experimentalist is all about novelty. They have a hard time making decisions because they don’t want to get bored. They fear being locked down to one particular thing. They may have beliefs like, “I don’t want to limit myself.” or “I don’t want to be stuck doing the same thing over and over.” 

I used to have this same thought before I niched down to Instagram. I used to teach about several different ways to market your business online, but I niched down to only talking about how to do it on Instagram. For months, I struggled because I knew so much more than just about Instagram. But I decided to niche down anyway and then my account exploded. That’s when I realized that you have to be known for one thing and then you can be known for everything else after that. 

Experimentalists rule at innovation. They love to see what works, and what doesn’t and tend to shine when analyzing data and analytics. They can look at the data and figure out different ways to try things to get better results. 

However, experimentalists have a super hard time with consistency and repetition. They may get bored with teaching the same masterclass over and over again. They tend to only talk about an offer one time on their Instagram account and never talk about it again, but it needs to be repeated for their followers to remember it. 

If experimentalists want to get ahead they’ve got to get out of the fears that are associated with repeating and being known for one thing. 


Archetype #3: The Trailblazer

A trailblazer is someone who is a full-on hustler. Their mentality is if they say they’re going to do something, it gets done. If they are single-focused on getting something done, they can often streamline their team members because of this, which is a huge strength of theirs. 

Trailblazers have a very strong sense of self and they have this internal belief that they always have to keep going–and going. This belief could cause them to be close-minded to other people’s ideas and it can make them a little non-empathetic to other people. If it’s not done their way, it’s wasting time. 

The biggest issue that trailblazers have is a lack of balance which causes a lack of fulfillment. They can’t seem to check all the boxes. No matter how hard they work, they can never get what they want. Their go-to solution is to add more pressure on themselves and more work when they should be seeking flow, peace, and balance. 


expert tips from mindset coach chris richards on archetypes. www.iammichellegifford.com


Archetype #4: The Sage 

A sage is someone who really values themselves based on the value they bring to the world. They believe that if their value stops then their worth stops. Because of this belief, they do not like to be told that they are wrong. The biggest thing a sage cares about is wanting their work to be amazing. Sages love recognition so their biggest fear is disapproval or losing authority. 

Some people have a real fear that other people control their business. They believe if they put out a bad product then they are going to go out of business. But no, that only works if you’re ripping people off. A sage feels like if they are not doing amazing then they are ripping people off. When you have that much attachment to the sage archetype it can be virtually impossible to grow beyond a certain point because you can’t stand that you can’t control the outcome. 

A sage believes that they would close their business down before they would ever let anyone have a bad experience with any of their products or services. In reality, there will always be people who are going to buy your product and find a problem with it. Because of this fear, a sage will limit their growth by limiting the amount of people they offer their services/products to. 


Archetype #5: The Hero Caretaker

Hero caretakers are often identified as empaths. The main strengths of a hero caretaker are loving their clients and their team and being loved by them. They would do anything for anyone and they are proud of it. 

They are proud that they can be what other people need them to be and can make people happy. While they are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, the issue arises when hero caretakers become too attached to this role. They struggle to draw a line between what they like and want versus what they need and feel the compulsion to complete. 

If a hero caretaker takes this role too seriously, they either let their boundaries slip or fail to have boundaries at all. They won’t ask for what they want if it means it will cause some level of confrontation. They can face confrontation but only after they have tried everything possible to avoid it. 

A hero caretaker will always try to do right by others. Oftentimes, their mentality is if someone has to suffer then that someone must be them. They will pride themselves on being able to carry the heavy load and it’s because at some point they were taught that their value is in removing pain from others and making sure it never comes to other people. 

Hero caretakers need to be liked and be validated that they are good. These needs stem from a deeper belief that they are bad, have been treated badly, or were not given the love they deserved as a child. To seek this validation, they will exhaust themselves to not be the one at fault or give any reason for someone to think badly of them. 


how to create atomic growth in your business. www.iammichellegifford.com


5 Archetypes that Will Unlock Your Business Potential

Which archetype are you? If you want to be 100 percent sure, head over to Chris’s website HERE and take the quiz to see which one you are. The first step is becoming aware, so find out which of these 5 archetypes that will unlock your business potential. Then, figure out how you can overcome those weaknesses in your main archetype and play to your strengths. Doing so can help you have some “atomic growth” in your business! 

If you loved what you read here and want more tips on how to improve yourself as a business owner, follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford and Chris @chris_richards_official. I’m so happy you’re here and if you have any questions, send me a dm

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