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Improve your email marketing subject lines to grow your business

60 Best Email Marketing Subject Lines

Email Marketing

Are you hung up on creating the best email marketing subject lines? Today we are going to tackle some ways to improve your subject lines and I am sharing 50 email subject lines you can swipe for yourself!

Email Marketing Subject Lines

Email marketing is an important aspect of any business in today’s online world. But even the best writers can have a hard time coming up with email subject lines that people actually want to open. You do NOT want to spam your customers and you want to make sure you are delivering valuable content, which of course you are (more tips on that in this post). But they need to be opened before you can share all of your awesome!

Lucky for us, there are a few tips that can help you master the art of the best email marketing subject lines. Hooray!

These 5 tips will help you write better email subject lines your audience will want to open!


Here are 5 smart ways create better email marketing subject lines

1. Understand your subscribers. You need to know their needs, wants, problems and desires. Once you do this, you are able to send them emails (with corresponding subject lines) that help them specifically.

2. Share your business personality. The subject line is a great place to remind customers all about you and what your brand is/what you do. With social media it is a “flash in the pan” but the email will sit in their inbox and often times they will be scrolling past your email several times. Think of your subject line as window shopping.

3. Be specific. Before you even begin writing your subject lines you want to be clear what the intention of your email is. Is this a newsletter of happenings or is it an offer? For example, while you don’t want to be as blunt as: “Buy my xyz product”, you DO want let them know “Limited Time Offer”.

Pro Tip: Discount-type subject lines do not perform well on average with the exception of the keyword “offer”. Which tends to show an small increase in open rates.

Easy tips to help you get more email opens and connect with your audience.

In research done by Gulati Cities which involved 260 million emails from 540 different campaigns, they found that:

  1. Those with five or fewer words were approximately opened 16% of times.
  2. Subject lines with 11-15 words had a 14% open rate. About 52% of the total emails fell into this category.
  3. Subject lines with 6-10 words generated 21% open rate.

4. Avoid sending do not reply emails or subject lines. Studies have shown that subscribers are less likely to click through to an email with “do not reply“mentioned in their email subject lines. Why? It destroys the intimacy between the customer and business.

5. Express your gratitude. Another great way to build that relationship with your subscriber is by sending an email with “Thank you” as the subject line after purchases, signing up for a membership, subscription, etc.

Bonus Tip. Keep it short and sweet. Almost everyone with an email id suffers from email overload on a daily basis. Plus, research has shown that more than 40% of email subscribers are accessing from their phones. The best email marketing subject lines are when you keep your subject line meaningful and short, with fewer characters, you are able to make your point clear from the get-go.

Get over 60 subject lines that help you craft email marketing subject lines that people will open.

Email Subject Lines = The Decision Maker

Since every business is different you’ll need to figure out what exactly works for yours but I have included a list of +60 compelling email subject lines you can swipe for FREE. Plus, more research has indicated that most people only spend a few seconds to decide whether or not to open an email. That means the biggest factor in their decision is based on the email subject line. Keeping that in mind is crucial to grow your business and build your relationships with your audience/customers.

That is why it is important to create the best email marketing subject lines you can. My challenge to YOU is craft 6 email subject lines based on your business and audience and share them in our Facebook group AND try some A/B testing.  You got this! Can’t wait to share your wins.

If you struggle coming up with awesome subject lines every time you send an email these tips can help! Plus you get +60 email subject lines to swipe for FREE.

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