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EPISODE 25 Free to focus - with the Michelle Gifford Podcast

Free to Focus – How One Book Changed How I Do Business

Business Tips

EPISODE 25 Free to focus - with the Michelle Gifford Podcast

In this week’s podcast episode I am going to give you some of my favorite take-aways from the book Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt. My hope is that you are able to incorporate these principles into your life and business and make them work for you. Enjoy!

What is Free to Focus?

Free to Focus is not just a book, but a system designed to enhance productivity — the cornerstone of success. Breaking things down into quadrants and “zones” it helps you put things into perspective. He shares how to find your zone of productivity and how to find your desire zone.

Your desire zone is where proficiency and passion meet.


3 Ways I am Using Free to Focus to Change my business for the Michelle Gifford Podcast
My desire zone is focusing on creating content for podcasts and courses. That is what I love to do!

Ask yourself: What do you do every day that you are either completely disinterested in, that is totally boring to you, or is just plain distracting. Once you identify those things, you can delegate them to other people or systems. I hired a VA to take care of some of the things that I don’t absolutely love. This allows me to stay in my desire zone and be more productive.

What can I delegate- free to focus with the Michelle Gifford Podcast

Make non-work time a priority.

This is something that is super important and may seem like a no-brainer but if you don’t make it a priority it won’t get done.

how can you eliminate distractions- free to focus with the Michelle Gifford Podcast

Plan Your Ideal Week

The last tip is to plan your ideal week. The book will go into detail about time blocking and batching. Then, you will prioritize what you need to get done and how to eliminate distractions that waste time and energy.

I got so much out of this book and I am sure you will too. Hop on over to the podcast and give the full episode a listen! Is this book on your must-read list?




How one book changed my business- Michelle Gifford Podcast
How to be more productive- Michelle Gifford Podcast
3 Ways I am Using Free to Focus to Change my business for the Michelle Gifford Podcast

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