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Hey! I'm Michelle!
The Social Strategist

I am Michelle Gifford friday faves

Friday Faves Week 1 with I am Michelle Gifford

Business Tips

I am Michelle Gifford friday faves I am Michelle Gifford Friday Faves App Day One app
App: Day One

Day One is a journaling app for your phone. You can upload pictures to each day’s post and organize them with tags. So, if I write about my baby on one day, then I can tag her in it and then if I ever want to read about all of the little things she has done, I can search for posts with her tag. Super amazing! You can also export it for print.
I have always been a journaler, but have been having trouble finding the right medium for me and honestly, the right medium for me changes about every year. This is working right now. I haven’t missed a day since I started in January. (Two months is pretty good for me!)


Book:  A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

This book. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it changed my way of thinking. The pages are filled with the story of a man who has a chance to add dimension to his life and to improve his story.  He takes you along his journey and makes you want to improve your own story.

I am Michelle Gifford Friday Faves Podcast Summer Bellessa Mormon Mompreneur

Podcast:  Mormon Mompreneur with Summer Bellessa

Yep, I know.  I’m a little biased because I was the one interviewing her, but Summer Bellessa is adorable and fun and smart, which is my kind of girl.  In this episode of Mormon Mompreneur, she chats about her incredible journey from 4-year-old model to The Girls with Glasses show.

Beauty:  Pillow Proof

For me to love a beauty product, they must do two things: 1. make my life easier or 2. make me feel pretty.   (Notice which one gets top priority.)  This one accomplishes both.  A few sprays on my hair cuts my blow drying time in almost half.  It also makes my hair more smooth and shiny.

Fun:  The Girls With Glasses Million Reasons Parody

If you’ve got kids, I’m pretty sure you will relate.

And this one is for my mother-in-law because chicken poop is no joke

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