Think about the things you’ve wanted to accomplish, but they’ve always seemed too far out of reach. You know where you want to go, but have no clear way to get there. In my latest podcast episode, I answer these questions for you. Keep reading to find out how to accomplish massive goals in a short amount of time.
5 Steps to Accomplishing Your Goals
Think of the goal you’ve had for a while now–you know the one–and you still have plans to work on it, but much…much later. The reason you haven’t accomplished this goal yet is because it seems too big and you don’t know how to do it. Due to the lack of knowledge, you start to feel ashamed and then you avoid that goal altogether.
The good news is that the creating part of your goal is the fun part! It’s the actual planning part that stops us because we don’t know what to do next. Once you figure out the planning part, the goal all of a sudden feels doable! Here’s my five steps on how to make a plan to accomplish your massive goals.
Step #1: Choose 1-2 Big Goals
I say one to two goals, because when they’re big goals, you don’t want to focus on too many at one time. Having too many at once will make you feel like you’re behind even when you’re working so hard. 1-2 goals is the perfect amount to get things rolling.
Step #2: Choose an End Date
Choose an end date with a purpose. I usually recommend 12 weeks, or 3 months, because it’s not too short or too long to accomplish a big goal. Having a why behind the date you chose will help you bring the power into meeting that goal.
For example, 3 months from now is right around the beginning of May. The months leading up to that due date are super focused all around. Kids are working hard in school and it’s still a little chilly outside, so the temptation of summer isn’t calling your name just yet. However, soon after May is when you start planning summer vacations and who knows what else.
Having this in mind will help you stay focused and know you have to meet your goal in the time you’ve given it or you run the risk of delaying its completion.
Step #3: Brain Dump
Write down EVERYTHING you know about the goal you’ve made. Write down resources, people who could help answer questions, things to research, etc. This will help you identify the steps you need to take to accomplish your goal.
Step #4: Make a Plan
Look at your brain dump and find actionable steps within it. This may be the most challenging step, but it’s the most beneficial. If you’re thinking, “Michelle, I can’t believe you’re telling me to plan. I am not a planner.” then this blog post is for you, How to Plan When You’re Not a Planner.
Having it all planned out will help you know what to do next. All the clouds in your head surrounding this goal will suddenly clear, and you will be ready to work!
Step #5: Assign Daily Action Steps
Write down your action steps in an organized plan, divided into days/weeks over the next 3 months. This will be your road map to your final destination. Now you can think, you may not know how to complete your goal yet, but you know the steps to take to get there.
If you loved these five tips and want more things like this, follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford.
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