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how to make your first $1-10 thousand in a month. www.iammichellegifford.com

How to Make Your First $1-10 Thousand in a Month

Business Tips, How to Make Money

What is your money goal for your business this year? What about this month? With this being the year of the Money Maker, I thought it would be fitting to talk about how to make your first $1-10 thousand in a month. Doesn’t that sound amazing? Here are my tips and tricks on how to do it. 



If you’re new here and haven’t heard of the year of the Money Maker, click here to get an overview of what it is. I’m here to help you make more money than you ever have! And I know exactly how to get you there. To get continued support and tips on how to achieve your business goals, text “money maker” to 951-309-7885. 

No matter where you’re at in your business, these 4 steps will help you reach your money goal. Whether you’re brand new starting out and are dreaming of making $1 thousand in a month or you are wanting to expand and make your first $10 thousand in a month, these 4 steps will get you there. 


4 Steps to Making Your First $1-10 Thousand in a Month


how to make your first ten thousand dollars in a month. www.iammichellegifford.com


Step #1: Commit to your money goal.

Think about how much money you want to make this month and then commit to it. Go ahead, think of the exact amount and write it down if you need to. What are the thoughts that come either during or immediately after you make this money goal? Usually, these thoughts will be doubts. Pay attention to those thoughts because they will teach you what’s holding you back from reaching your goals.

In fact, write down those thoughts and doubts. Writing them down or saying them out loud makes them lose their power. For example, if one of your thoughts is, “I always fail.”, saying it out loud will help you realize how crazy and untrue it sounds. Of course, you don’t always fail. You have plenty of evidence for when you’ve succeeded! So, whatever your thoughts are, turn them around into empowering statements instead. 

If you’re feeling up for it, you could create yourself a little morning ritual where you write down your empowering thoughts, and then you even dream about what your life would be like once you have the money you plan to make this month. 

What does it feel like to have the money? What are you going to buy with it? What will you be able to do with it? Hopefully, this daydreaming technique will get you excited about the work you need to do in order to reach your goal. 

If you’re carrying around that feeling of dread, it sucks all the energy and creative force (and all the fun) out of your business. Your business should be exciting because you get to show up and do what you do best and serve the people you were meant to serve. What a blessing!


mindset trick for small biz owners. www.iammichellegifford.com


Step #2: Brainstorm all the ways you can meet your money goal.

Think of all the ways you can make money in your business this month. Here’s a quick list to help you brainstorm:

  • Sell products
  • Affiliates
  • Ads
  • Blog views
  • Clients
  • One-on-one clients
  • Sales

Make your own list and then decide which ones you want to focus on this month. It’s important to only choose 2-3 from your list because you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. If you’re focusing on too many at once you won’t be able to make as much money. 

After choosing your 2-3 methods of making money this month, you can figure out how much of what you need to sell in order to reach your money goal. I.e. How many clients do I need to sign up for a coaching session in order to reach my money goal? (Tune in to my podcast episode to hear an example.) 

Knowing the exact numbers you need in order to reach your money goal will help you feel like it’s more doable to reach it and get you in the right mindset to create a plan.


reach your small business money goals with these steps. www.iammichellegifford.com


Step #3: Create a plan to reach your money goal.

OK, now that you’ve committed to your money goal and know what to do to get there, now you’re ready to think about your content and outreach plan that aligns with those things. Think about what kind of content you should create, what emails to send, who to reach out to, and how you can show up online. 

I recommend reaching out to potential clients and begin building relationships with influencers who can use your products. If this idea makes you a little nervous, that’s OK! Just know you are going to have to do things that feel a little uncomfortable if you really want to reach your money goal. 

You don’t need to be afraid of making an offer and selling your products–that’s the whole point of your business! Your products help people, so you never should feel ashamed for trying to tell or sell them to as many people as possible. 


Step #4: Leave room to be surprised.

What do I mean by leaving room to be surprised? I mean it’s OK to go a little off-script if other opportunities to make money arise. For example, if someone offers you pay for being a guest on their podcast, accept it with open arms! Don’t worry that it wasn’t a part of your original content plan. This money will add to your overall money goal for the month. 


how to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. www.iammichellegifford.com


How to Make Your First $1-10 Thousand in a Month

OK, what did you think about my 4 steps on how to make your first $1-10 thousand in a month? This blog post is a little bit different than what I normally write about, so I’m interested to know your thoughts! Please send me a message over on Instagram @iammichellegifford or leave a review on my podcast to let me know what you think! 

Overall, I hope you can feel the hug and the little kick in the pants I’m giving you. I adore you and am so happy you’re here. If you want more tips and support from me, join my Money Makers coaching group where you’ll get one-on-one coaching from me and be a part of the most amazing community! 

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