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Photographers Christmas List I am Michelle Gifford

A Photographers Christmas List


Photographers Christmas List I am Michelle Gifford

A Photographers Christmas List

Does you husband ever ask you want you want for Christmas?  Mine does.  The trouble is that he wants to surprise me while still getting me something that I need and love.   I have settled on creating a Christmas list and then he can pick and choose what he wants to give.  It is a surprise what he chooses but it is something I am guaranteed to love.

(And just to keep things clear, yes, these are affiliate links but I promise to only recommend items that I personally want or use.  We are friends and I want to keep it that way.)

So, I have complied my Photographer’s Christmas List so that you can send it to your husband and your Christmas will be a whole lot merrier.  You’re welcome.

Under $50

Fingerless Gloves

It is getting colder and nothing is worse than staging the perfect shot and having frozen fingers.  In comes these fingerless gloves.  They keep your hands warm while giving your fingers the freedom to click, click, click away.


Every photographer needs a reflector and every photographer probably has one.  Thing is, these get beat up pretty badly, especially if you are a child photographer.  The kids love playing with them.  Reflectors need to be replaced every year or two.

Camera Straps

Camera straps are the perfect way to add personality to your camera.

Memory Cards

Photographers always need memory cards.  Enough said.

Step stool.

Getting a different perspective for pictures is only a step away with this step stool.  It also folds up and makes it an easy take along.

The Creative Fight

I have listened to this guy’s course online and he has such a unique perspective.  He teaches how to be a photographer from the inside out.

$100 or more

Canon Selphy Printer

My mom surprised me with this for my birthday and I am LOVING it!  All you have to do is connect your camera and you print it right there.  As a photographer, I take a lot of pictures but as a mom I sometimes forget to print them out.  Within minutes of this box being dropped off on my door, I had a recent picture of each of my kids on my fridge.

Sorel Boots

I just had my family pictures done and my photographer was wearing these boots.  Most times the best places to photograph are the dirtiest places to walk.  My photographer was wearing these boots and the dirt, rocks and weeds didn’t bother her one bit. They are tough, water resistant and they keep the stickers out.

Hunter Boots

With winter coming, you are probably taking pictures in the snow and slush.  Hunter boots keep your feet free from water and are pretty stylish too.

Free Standing Reflector

Most of the time, I am alone on my photo shoots.  I love this big reflector that stands up all by itself.  It is big enough that it can reflect a lot of light onto your subject and you don’t need an assistant.

JoTotes Backpack

I just got home from a trip to Alaska.  This bag was a life saver.  I wore it everywhere and it kept my camera safe and my diapers and wipes in tow.  I didn’t know that I would love a backpack camera bag, but I LOVE it!!
photographers christmas list i am michelle gifford what to buy a photographer for christmas

Spider Camera Holster
My husband bought this for me last year and I love it. If you’ve ever seen me on Periscope or Facebook Live, you know that I talk with my hands. Well, I am not different on my photo shoots. I love having two hands to fix hair and show people how I want them to pose. This holster allows me to shoot AND talk with my hands.

Dream Gifts

Now, I don’t know if I’ve been good enough to deserve these this year, but a girl can dream.

Canon 85 mm 1.2 Lens

Canon Mark iv

Macbook Pro

Now go ahead, forward this to your husband.  He will thank you.

  1. I definitely want all of these, especially those hunter boots!

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