3 Things to consider before you start a blog
To blog or not to blog? I keep getting this question in the different facebook groups that I’m in. And while I’ve already spelled out the benefits of starting a blog, blogging still might not be for you. Here are three things to consider before taking the leap.
1. Time
Blogging takes time. After I taught one of the girls that I mentor the step-by-step process of creating a blog post, she told me, “I had no idea that it took that much work to blog!”. Now don’t let that scare you, but just know that blogging does take a lot of time. Here is a break down of my time spent while creating a blog post.
-30 minutes – 1 1/2 hour writing and editing blog content
-30 minutes -1 hour creating graphics, formatting and SEO
-30 minutes- 1 1/2 hour to take pictures and edit pictures (this one I don’t do all the time, sometimes I just use stock images)
-30 minutes -1 hour promoting on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook
= 2-5 hours/blog post
(I have gotten this down quite a bit from when I first started and have created an easy workflow, so I am more on the 2 hours or under side. It will depend on the length of your articles and how much you want to put into promotion, but this is a good baseline. )
2. Consistency
If you want to start to take blogging seriously, then you really need to commit to blogging on a regular basis. I recommend starting with once a week so that your audience can start to depend on you and expect content from you. As your audience and skills grow, you can decide if you want to add more content. I recommend scheduling out your blog posts a month in advance and then bulk create them. If you know what you are going to blog about, then you can set up a time where you write all the content at once. Bulk writing saves you time and brain space.
3. Content
What type of content do you want to talk about? One of the biggest mistakes I see new bloggers make is blogging about anything and everything they are interested in. One of the questions that I ask in my business course is, “Where do you provide the most good?”. Yes, I can and love to make homemade bread. Yes, I love to sew. But, is that where I am adding the most good? No. I add the most good when I teach and talk about business. It is also where my passion lies. Does that mean that you can only blog about one topic? Nope! I recommend choosing three or less. Choose the three things that you are both passionate about and where you add the most good.
What do you think? Are you ready to start a blog? If so, I have just the step-by-step tutorial for you where I show you how to get that blog up and running in 30 minutes or less.
Click here to learn how to start a blog
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