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how often to post on instagram if you want to grow. www.iammichellegifford.com

The Cracked Code for How Often to Post on Instagram

Instagram, Social Media

I get this question a lot–how often should you post content on Instagram? I know this is confusing because there are some who say to post a million times a week and others who say to post just a couple of times a week. Who is right? What’s the best strategy? That’s what we’re going to cover in today’s post. Here’s the cracked code for how often to post on Instagram.



I may just be another voice among the experts, but the recommendations I share in this post I share because this strategy is what has worked for me and has given me mind-blowing results. (My Instagram followers grew 19k in just 3 months using this strategy!) Plus, I have been growing and running a business for 15+ years now, so I’ve seen trends change over time and have gotten really good at adapting my strategy according to what works. 


the cracked instagram code of how often to post every week. www.iammichellegifford.com


The Cracked Code for How Often to Post on Instagram

Before we jump right into the cracked code for how often to post on Instagram, let’s talk about the two extremes of posting on Instagram. As I mentioned before, you’ve probably heard the two extremes and perhaps some advice in between. 


Instagram Content Extreme #1: Post 3x per day.

Posting content on Instagram 3x per day is really great advice IF you have a team to help you do this and if you’re solely a content creator. I am classified as a content creator, so posting 2-3x per day is actually the strategy I use right now. I also have a team that helps me with creating graphics and comment control.

The thing to remember here is that you are more than just a content creator. You are creating products, selling products, packaging, and mailing products. Not to mention all the platforms you’re trying to manage and the list just keeps going on and on. You’re doing all of these things by yourself, so the thought of posting 2-3x per day can be really overwhelming and maybe even get you to the point where you don’t even want to do it anymore.

Focus on YOUR business and journey. Honor the place you’re in and be realistic and grateful for it. You will always change in and out of phases, so work and invest in things during times that you feel the call to do so. No one else will be able to tell you when–only you will know that, so trust in yourself and get to work.


Instagram Content Extreme #2: Post 2-3x per week.

Posting 2-3x per week is a great place to start. Especially if you are someone who already understands your niche, the audience you serve, and the type of content that works in your niche. (If you feel like you want to nail down your niche and who you serve, check out my post HERE.) 

However, if you’re wanting to grow on Instagram faster then you’re going to need to post more often. I had a client who would post high-quality content every single day until she had a substantial following. Now that she has a thriving community and understands what type of content works really well in her niche, she has scaled back her number of posts per week. 


five reasons why you need to post on Instagram 6x per week. www.iammichellegifford.com


The Cracked Code for How Often to Post on Instagram

If you’re serious about wanting to grow on Instagram then you should be posting every day–or at least six days a week. (You can have one day off ;)) Posting every day will make a huge difference in how fast you grow your following for many reasons. Here are my top 5 reasons why posting every day is the best strategy.


Reason #1: You will get better at creating content.

This one is pretty simple. The more content you create and post, the more experience you’ll have and the better you’ll get at creating content. I remember when I started posting on Instagram, YouTube, and my podcast, my first posts, episodes, and videos were not that great. And this is the case for everyone. The more you post, the more practice you will have and the better your content will become.


Reason #2: You teach the algorithm who you are faster.

All of these social media platforms have an algorithm that’s trying to figure out who you are. And they do this by computing the type of content you create, post, and consume. If you’re posting every single day about your niche then that will help the algorithm put your content in front of the right people–the people who are interested in your content and want to follow you. (Check out my post HERE if you want to learn more about how the algorithm works.) 


how often to post on Instagram. www.iammichellegifford.com


Reason #3: You will get more data about your audience.

When you’re just starting out, or pivoting in your business, you may have a sense of who your audience is, but you don’t know them as well as you will once you’ve had more time to grow and get to know them. Posting every day will help you gain data really quickly on how your content affects your audience, and what they like (and don’t like) to view. You discover this by seeing which posts have more engagement than others and by seeing your following either drop or rise. 


Biz Pro Tip: It’s a good thing to see people unfollow you because that just means you’re getting more specific in your niche and how you share your content around that! If you keep posting high-quality content in your niche, those that aren’t meant for you will leave, and those who love you and your content will find you and stay! That’s exactly how you build a thriving Instagram community.


Reason #4: You get more chances to get seen.

If you’re posting two times per week, you’re only giving yourself two chances to get seen by people. But if you’re posting every single day those 6-7 chances per week add up pretty quickly. Increasing your posting gives you more opportunities to go viral and that’d be a fun and fast way to grow, right?!


Reason #5: You will learn consistency.

This is a hard truth, but it is actually so valuable. The first time you post will probably not have a lot of success. Your first video on YouTube is not going to go viral. And thank goodness for that! Aren’t we so glad that’s true? Because our first piece of content is not our best piece of content.

So we’ve got to put in the consistent work and as we get the practice in and gain the experience, we’ll prove not only to ourselves that we can be consistent, but we’re also proving to our audience that we’re serious about growing our business. 

I know consistency is one of the hardest things to maintain in growing your biz, so I’ve got just the thing for you. It’s my Insta Money Makers Coaching Group. I give you tons of prompts for posting weekly, live coaching calls, and tons more content that will help you learn everything you need to know about the best content marketing strategy. Plus, you get to work alongside some of the best women in business I know who are growing and working hard just like you. Check it out HERE.


The code is cracked! post on instagram this often if you want to grow. www.iammichellegifford.com


The Cracked Code for How Often to Post on Instagram

Alright, friend, those are my top recommendations and the cracked code for how often to post on Instagram! If you liked this post and want to follow along for more tips and tricks for marketing your biz online, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford.

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