Marketing on Pinterest has never been so easy! You already have an audience of people actively seeking out your products and solutions, now all you have to do is help them find you. This is where Tailwind comes in! Tailwind is an incredible tool for managing your Pinterest pins! It is so user friendly, and saves so much time with its amazing features. Let me share with you just 3 ways Tailwind saves me time!
Tailwind’s Board Lists
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First up—Tailwind Board Lists allow me to pin multiple pins to multiple boards all at the same time. I can select my own pins or, with the use of the browser extension, pins from other websites. Then on one screen I can select individual boards for each, or assign all of the pins to go to several boards with just a few clicks of the mouse! Such a time-saver. Not only that, but it maximizes my opportunity to reach different viewers.
Tailwind’s Interval Scheduling
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Next is one of my favorite features from Tailwind! Interval Scheduling. Not only can I set up a daily schedule for when I want pins to be published each week, but Interval Scheduling lets me also create a custom date and time for specific pins to be posted. But get this– Tailwind Interval Scheduling will go behind the scenes and analyze your content along with your clients’ viewing patterns to calculate Smart Schedule time slots. These let you know when your pins are most likely to receive the highest traffic. Smart slots are indicated on the scheduling calendar in the color green so that you can easily take advantage of them. How helpful is that?!
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Beyond the helpful Smart Schedule, I also love how intuitive and user-friendly the scheduling program is. Rearranging the calendar is a total cinch! I can simply drag and drop the pins into the time slots I’d like, or I can let the automatic Queue fill it in for me. The automatic Queue will take any unscheduled pins I want to publish and place them into the next available scheduled time slot. There is even an option to shuffle Queued pins for a naturally random appearance across my boards without affecting your custom scheduled pins.
Tailwind’s SmartLoop
Alright, the third way I save time with Tailwind may just knock your socks off! Do you have seasonal pins? Or maybe you’ve got pins that you can use year-round? Well Tailwind maximizes your work by recycling those pins for you automatically! So if you have a line of festive fall home décor, you can use Tailwind to schedule those pins to loop from September through November of each year. Or maybe you’ve got ideas that are beneficial no matter the time of year—just let Tailwind know you’d like to loop those pins, and voila! You’re totally extending the life of your pins without having to continually recreate the work!
Some other cool things about Tailwind you might be interested in are that they offer a mobile version for super convenient pinning and scheduling, and they offer a free trial—of up to 100 pins! That’s an awesome way for you to test out the product and see how it really works for you before you invest in it! What are you waiting for?
Still not sure what Tailwind is and want to learn a little more? Check out this post:
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