4 Tried and True Positive Mindset Tips for Business Owners. www.iammichellegifford.com

4 Tried and True Positive Mindset Tips for Business Owners


4 Tried and True Positive Mindset Tips for Business Owners

Do you know what makes me mad? That I can’t muscle through everything. My success often comes down to the thoughts that are in my head. What I’ve found as I’m growing my business and I’m trying to do bigger and better things is that I can’t just do the physical work–I have to do the mind work too. And this is how it goes for everyone. If you can relate to this, you’re gonna want to read this one! Here are 4 tried and true positive mindset tips for business owners that work even on your worst days.



This past January I’ve had a lot on my mental plate. I had personal things going on (my dad got in a horrible horse-riding accident that caused a lot of worry, but thankfully he is OK now!), I had a lot of challenges come up in my biz, and I had opportunities to grow my business but that was also stressful because it forced me to get out of my comfort zone. So I was carrying this huge mental load all throughout January that caused me to put my mindset to the test. 

I had a team meeting not too long ago and on that team call I wondered, “What are we even doing here?” I was focused on how hard it was to grow my agency and keep it running along with all the other things I was worried about. While my team was so kind to me and gave me grace and encouragement, I knew I wasn’t OK with showing up that way. I had to remind myself of the person I’m striving to be and do my best to act like that person. 


4 tried and true tips to help you keep a positive mindset. www.iammichellegifford.com


4 Tried and True Positive Mindset Tips for Business Owners

Who am I striving to be? I want to be one of the top marketing agencies that help influencers and creatives. I want to have a really good team where I have good relationships with them and the women I’m helping. Helping people grow their businesses is what I feel really passionate about. This is who I want to be and I had to come back to this belief and remind myself this is the type of business leader that I want to show up as.

Who are you striving to become? I hope you also have a go-to answer that you are passionate about and that makes you get out of bed every day and work on your business. If not, check out this post HERE that will help you figure out your why. 

Statistic: We think 60 thousand thoughts a day. Out of those 60 thousand, 90-95% are the same thoughts repeated. But get this–80% of those repetitive thoughts are negative. 

These negative thoughts are what our brain naturally does on its own. So, don’t be hard or down on yourselves about that. However, it is up to us to stop this negative thought trend and we do this by reminding ourselves over and over again of who we want to be and what we want to accomplish–and telling ourselves that we will get there. 

This concept can be known as manifesting. If you haven’t heard of manifesting before, it’s when you think of something you want (either a physical item or a state of living you want to be in) and think about how you will make that goal come true. 

But how do we actually start manifesting when we’ve never done it before? Here are my 4 tried and true positive mindset tips for business owners that will help you become a manifesting master! 


4 insane tips to help you show up even on your worst days. www.iammichellegifford.com


Positive Mindset Tip #1: Be really intentional about who you want to be.

As I mentioned earlier,  not too long ago I was questioning why I was even running my marketing agency. I get to help some of the top influencers and creatives, which I’m so grateful for. Just because I had a few hard days does not mean I should throw it all away. So, when your hard days show up too, you need to remember you are the CEO of your business. You are the woman in charge and you are the one who has the fire and inspiration to make your business happen.

Remember why you’re working so hard in your business and who you’re doing it for. (It may be helpful to you to write this down!) Be really intentional about those two things and remind yourself of those thoughts often. 

For example, if you want to be a bestselling author, I want you to start saying to yourself, “I am a bestselling book author.” So fill in the blank with what your dream accomplishment is and tell yourself that statement every single day. That’s something easy and quick you can start right now!

Bonus: My 60-day sprint journal will help you reach the big projects you have planned for your business in 60 days. It’ll help you map out your plan to reach your goal and then it’ll hold you accountable throughout those 60 days. Grab yours HERE!


Positive Mindset Tip #2: Catch the negative thoughts you’re telling yourself and stop them.

Once you are being more intentional about who you want to be, the negative thoughts that pop up will be easier to notice. And the more you notice one, the more you’ll notice others. So, thankfully, this step gets easier over time! 

The next time you catch a negative thought popping into your mind, I want you to stop and ask yourself, “Is this thought universally true?” And oftentimes it will not be true. Then, once you’ve established that it is untrue, ask yourself, “Why am I thinking this?” 

This next question will take you into a deeper level of thinking and it’ll lead you to identify what you’re afraid of and most likely why you are afraid to fail in that area.

Example of Stopping the Negative Thought

Negative Thought: I’m not good at creating content.

Thought Process: “I’m not good at creating content” is a negative thought and does not serve me. I may not be as good at creating content right now, but I know I’ll get better and I know I’ll get there. And I still want to do this!


how to become a manifesting master. www.iammichellegifford.com


Positive Mindset Tip #3: Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones. 

We’ll finish off the example from step #2 by adding a positive thought to replace the negative one:

Example of Replacing the Negative Thought with a Positive One

Negative Thought: I’m not good at creating content.

Thought Process: “I’m not good at creating content” is a negative thought and does not serve me. I may not be as good at creating content right now, but I know I’ll get better and I know I’ll get there. And I still want to do this!

Positive Thought Replacement: I am going to keep learning how to create content and I will get better at this. I am determined to learn more about content creation so I can serve my people. 


Do you see how this replaced positive thought immediately lifts you up and keeps you focused on pushing through the hard? Again, it’d be so much easier if we could just go through the motions to make this change, but it does not work that way and we have to keep working on our thoughts because that’s where all accomplishments stem from. 

Biz Pro Tip: Surround yourself with positive words that remind you of your goals. For example, I have a water bottle sticker that says, “You’re the best.” And I say that phrase often to myself, to my family, and to all of you because you guys are the best AND because that phrase is something I often see. I love how something small like this is serving me because it’s helping me have those positive thoughts and spread them to those around me. What is something small you can do to help surround yourself with positive words and phrases?


Positive Mindset Tip #4: Let your positive thoughts lead you to action.

You’ll know when you have your positive thoughts because they will lead you to action. They will propel you into the future rather than keep you stuck in the problem. Your thoughts can inspire you to act and then those actions can prove those thoughts to be true. It’s one beautiful cycle! If you need a little guidance and motivation, follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford! I’m always giving the best tips for influencers and creatives on how to grow and market their biz online. 


why keeping a positive mindset will bring you your biggest success. www.iammichellegifford.com


4 Tried and True Positive Mindset Tips for Business Owners

So, we can have the biggest goals ever, but we’re not going to get there until we believe we can. We have to do the work and it first starts out with our mindset. Do we really believe we can do this? And if we don’t, why don’t we believe it? And how can we come to the reason that motivates us even on our hardest days? 

This is the thought process I want you to have and keep having as you continue to work on growing your business and serving more people. When we’re negative, everything feels heavier. But when we show up with gratitude and positivity, everything changes. Things feel lighter and we are motivated to work and step into who we want to become. 

I hope you remember these 4 tried and true positive mindset tips for business owners and use them as often as possible! Be intentional about who you want to be, catch yourself when you are in those ruts, and replace those unhelpful thoughts that spring you into action. I promise you that nailing down this mind work is how you’re going to make the biggest difference. 

Thanks so much for being here and if you loved what you learned here and what some more of this friendly coaching and motivation on the daily, you need to join my Money Makers Coaching Group. One of the biggest differences to success is surrounding yourself with people who get it, and my group is full of those who are ready to work and cheer you on! Join us HERE!



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