Do you have these amazing ideas to make money, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you have an Instagram account with tons of followers, but you don’t have an actual strategy in place or regular streams of revenue. Oops! Let’s get you set up so that you never have to worry about your revenue stream again. I chatted with my dear friend, Heather Adams–a real powerhouse of a woman–where we share the 5 tactics to increase your revenue now.
Have you met Heather Adams yet? She is the amazing CEO of Choice Media and Communications where she and her team help their clients become known experts in their fields. I am absolutely in awe of her and the work she and her employees do for their clients all over the country.
Heather comes from a corporate background, so at first she was very driven to get to the corner office and would push anyone out of her way to get there. Looking back, she realized what a huge mistake that was because there was actually room for her and for all of those people at the table. She didn’t have to compete with them, but they could’ve grown together. The good news is that what was once her downfall is now her hallmark because her current business, Choice, is all about linking arms with other women.
If you feel driven to succeed in your business and perhaps compete with other women, just remember there is room for all of you. There is an audience for each of you and there is plenty of money for you and them. Speaking of money, let’s dive into those 5 tactics to increase your revenue now!
5 Tactics to Increase Your Revenue Now
Getting that revenue machine to work is a real pain sometimes. You have this million-dollar idea but how do you bring it to life and actually make money doing it? You can’t just have this great idea that gets you tons of followers because you have a mortgage to pay and kids to feed, right? You’ve got to make the actual money and these 5 revenue tactics are what will get you there.
Revenue Tactic #1: Clarify your brand.
Differentiate yourself. There are hundreds if not thousands of other people doing the same thing you do. What makes you different? How do you show that uniqueness to your audience? Clarifying your brand and putting an actual strategy in place is a foundational element to your business.
You want to be super upfront and clear on what your business does and how you serve your audience. Do not put the burden of knowing how to talk about your business on your audience–you’ve got to make it crystal clear to them. Check out my post HERE that walks you through step-by-step how to clearly showcase your business on your Instagram account.
Once you’ve made it clear, now you repeat, repeat, repeat. You share how you serve your audience and then you tell them again. You keep telling them until they can repeat it back in the words you use. This is the real moneymaker right here–when your audience can repeat to other people what you could do for them in the same language that you would use to explain it.
Revenue Tactic #2: Make yourself known with a powerful organic online presence.
You’re probably confused and overwhelmed about which platform to spend your time, money, and energy on because there are so many options. Should you be on TikTok, Pinterest, Instagram, or YouTube? How are you supposed to know? And then there are email lists, text marketing, dms. It can get overwhelming very quickly.
Whether you’re showing up on multiple platforms or just one–you’ve got to make yourself powerfully known around a certain topic. How do you do that? By niching down and showing up as your confident and authentic self with your strategy in one hand and your passion in the other.
As far as which platform(s) is best to show up on, think about the type of content you distribute and where it makes the most sense to market that. Plus, where the best place is to interact with your target audience and ultimately get them to purchase your products and services.
Revenue Tactic #3: Build your email list.
Social is not enough. A huge money maker for your business will be your email list. If you’re worried about the success rate, email has a 3600 percent return on investment. A.K.A. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get $36 in return.
You need to be building, nurturing, and maintaining a really strong email list because listen, if Instagram goes away tomorrow, if TikTok gets banned, you need something that you can control, and that’s going to be your email list and website.
Heather has been in the book publishing industry for 20 years and recently she met with an industry colleague who is a powerhouse literary agent. He said the #1 thing that he gets asked when he’s trying to sell a book deal to a publishing house is how big is their email list. It’s not even about the content they’re posting or how many followers they have, but how big their email list is.
Thinking about that, an email list is a key asset to have in your business that can make you more money than you think it would. When you have a killer email strategy and use software that streamlines your work, you can create a powerful stream of revenue here. Check out my blog posts HERE that will tell you everything you need to know to create (& explode) your email list.
Revenue Tactic #4: Diversify your revenue streams.
Heather recommends you have at least three different kinds of offerings–entry-level, mid-tier, and high-value. Depending on your type of business, you decide what the price points should be for each of those offerings. Ideally, you’ll want either your entry-level or mid-tier to be a recurring revenue stream.
For example, I offer a monthly subscription called Insta Social Society for my entry-level offering. It costs just $49 per month. This is a great place for people to start where they feel comfortable investing that amount of money per month in order to grow their business on Instagram. Think about what makes sense for your entry-level product and, if possible, how you could turn it into a recurring revenue stream.
Revenue Tactic #5: Grow in good company.
Out of the 5 revenue tactics, this is the most powerful one. The community you surround yourself with is the people pouring into you and will help you take your business to the next level. If it’s really mutually beneficial, they’re going to drive revenue to your business too.
Find those people who support you and your business and perhaps you can do the same for them. When you have a community that is lifting you up, sending you opportunities to grow your business and increase your revenue that is good company. And when you can do the same for them, there is almost no better feeling.
If you’re wondering how to find good company, don’t be afraid to reach out to people. That’s actually how I met Heather. It was during the pandemic and I discovered her on a podcast and decided to dm her on Instagram, along with several other businesswomen. I just mentioned how we all are running amazing businesses and that we should connect with one another. Every single one said yes and now we’ve created this tight-knit group where we can confide in one another. You can do the same thing, just find your people and reach out!
5 Tactics to Increase Your Revenue Now
Heather is one of the best people you could know! She really nailed it on these 5 tactics to increase your revenue now. If you want to keep in touch with us, you can find us on Instagram @heatherdixonadams and @iammichellegifford. We can’t wait to see you grow this year! If you want some extra expertise for your Instagram and business strategy, check out my agency HERE. We’d love to help you explode your business!
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