Did you recently hire someone on to your business and now you’re suddenly “the boss”? Having a boss mindset has meant different things to me over the years, but I think I understand it more now than ever. With my business growing so quickly, I’ve had to really get a handle on this boss mindset and use it to grow my biz and my team. So, if you’re wanting to boss up like me, here are 6 ways to start thinking like a boss.
About 3 years ago I had to make some big decisions about what I was doing for my business. The business I was working with back then was not in alignment with where I wanted to be. And this was a really scary place for me because I felt this pull to go out on my own but it was going to take some hard conversations and hard decisions and I didn’t want to do it. But then I finally did.
When I started going out on my own and creating my agency, it was hard and scary. There’s something about the moment when you realize you are the expert, you have the experience to back that up, and you’re asking for payment for your services. I realized there was a lot of mind work I needed to do to put me in a place where I could really build a successful biz. And I’m so grateful that I’ve done the work to get to a point where I’m really proud and excited about the business I’ve built and the bright future ahead. And this is exactly what I want for you too.
6 Ways to Start Thinking Like a Boss
Growing a business has been one of the most refining things for me because of how much self-reflection I’ve had to do. No matter what kind of product you sell, you have to face so many internal thoughts that are holding you back and keeping you from achieving your biz dreams.
I mostly sell digital products and coaching, so personally, I’ve felt like I’ve had to do a lot of mind work, journaling, and meetings with my life coach to get myself in the right headspace to build this business of mine. Again, I am so grateful to be where I am and I’ve learned so much, especially when it comes to getting that boss mindset. So, let’s jump into those 6 ways to start thinking like a boss!
Boss Mentality Tip #1: Dream bigger.
When you think about your business, how big do you want it to be? Really, without thinking of any other voices or opinions how big do you want your business to become? Just let your mind go and let it dream as big as it can. Do you have it? Now dream it even bigger.
This is something that has held me back a bit–saying how big my dream is out loud. I’m afraid of getting judged or for sharing something so personal and important to me and then it getting crushed by someone else’s opinion. I’m sure you can relate. So, I’m giving you and me permission to dream bigger. I know it’s going to take some time, but I also know we can definitely get to that mindset.
So, give yourself some time to think about your vision. Maybe take a walk, or whatever helps you think clearly. But you have to have that clear vision of where you want your business to grow and the difference you want to make in the world.
Boss Mentality Tip #2: Invest in that vision.
If you want to become the top expert in your field, how much are you willing to invest in that? I’m not saying you need to go into debt or anything like that. However, I think there are ways for you to take incremental steps to invest in your business.
Maybe you want to take a course, buy products, sign up for subscriptions, or whatever. Wherever you’re at in your boss journey take the steps necessary for you to invest in your vision. If you’re really serious about it then you will find ways to get there. And you don’t need to feel pressured to reach these steps at a super-fast rate or sacrifice too much family time in order to get there. You get to decide how fast you go and the way to go about it (one of the perks of being the boss!).
Boss Mentality Tip #3: Hire people who support your vision.
Another way for you to invest in your vision and your business is to hire people who support it. Doing this will help make your vision happen. And these people are going to be people who complement your gifts and talents. One of the main managers on my team is super organized and she stays on top of all my clients and what’s happening with them. This is something I don’t really like to do. So it’s perfect! Haha, I’m more of a big strategy thinker and I need someone to keep track of the details.
Boss Mentality Tip #4: Let go of being in control of everything.
As the boss, you have to be OK with letting go of being in control of everything. This can be hard at first because it has been just you over every single thing and there isn’t a single person who will understand your vision the way you do. But remember, you need people to help carry out your vision.
So, you need to be confident in your hires. You have to set up the systems so that things don’t fall through the cracks. Letting go of some control will help things get done and help your team feel like they can actually do their job right without input from you. So, look at the things you can let go of and find ways that you can have reports and people check in without you needing to have your finger on it all the time.
Boss Mentality Tip #5: Hold yourself and your team accountable.
If you say that you’re going to show up and create podcasts and they’re going to be done ahead of time, you’ve got to hold yourself accountable and do that. I just know too many businesses who refuse to take on the responsibility of actually showing up. When you say you’re going to show up and then stop your progress in its tracks your team can’t support you. So you need to decide is this a business that you are going to be the boss of or is it just a little biz that gets you through?
If you really want your business to be this big dream come true then you need to boss up and hold yourself and your team accountable. If you need a kickstart for setting up a content plan so you actually can show up for your biz every single day without the burnout, click here for my free step-by-step content plan.
Boss Mentality Tip #6: Shift your mindset.
I talked a little bit about this at the beginning, but this definitely deserves its own number because it is super important. Letting go of those negative voices in your head is such a game-changer.
I was chatting with one of my good friends who always tells me like it is. Do you have one of those friends too? She told me, “Michelle, I don’t know who that voice is in your head who’s telling you you can’t do this, but you need to figure out who it is and work through that.”
And that comment made me have the realization that I really did need to work on my mindset (yet again). Because if I’m having those negative thoughts hold me back, guess what else is getting held back? My business and my ability to impact and influence people. So it is my responsibility to work on that because if I don’t do it then no one else will.
One way I’ve helped shift my mindset is journaling. This has helped me be more aware of the thoughts that are stopping me and get to the bottom of those and work through them. You need to make time for self-development practices like this. If you want to grow your business, you can’t be working on your biz all the time–you need to take care of yourself and replenish what you’re giving out so your creativity can continue.
6 Ways To Start Thinking Like a Boss
So, do you really want to be the boss? Is this something you’re ready to work for? Are you willing to have those hard conversations? Are you willing to make tough choices? If the answer is yes then it’s time to boss up baby! And these 6 ways to start thinking like a boss will get you started off on the right foot and then some.
We need more women just like you who are building big businesses. Women who are helping, serving, and making a difference. I want you to see your potential. You can do this, your dream can be bigger and you don’t have to be nervous about telling people about your dream. (Besides, if someone can’t handle your dream, don’t talk to them about it. That’s OK!)
If your next step in your biz is to hire a team to help you with your content strategy, marketing, or branding, my team is here and ready for you. And we are the best in the business. We would LOVE to be the ones backing up your dream. So come check us out here. You can also follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford for all the biz tips and tricks you will ever need.
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