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7 Lessons to Little Momma Michelle

Work Life Balance

Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered what advice you would give your younger self? I just did that and I thought I’d share my 7 lessons to little momma Michelle with you. No matter where you are in your business journey, I hope one of these lessons will speak to you and help make your business built to last. 

All of my kids are in school for the first time ever! This feeling is like the feeling I had when I got an epidural. It’s like once you get the epidural you then realize how much pain and stress you were feeling before you got it. (I mean that in the nicest way.) But, really, once all your kids leave for school at the same time, it’s crazy how much you see you were doing/feeling once you’re not juggling mom hat and boss hat anymore. 

Since my kids have gone to school and I’ve had more time to devote to my business, I’ve asked myself some reflective questions that have led me to the 7 lessons to little momma Michelle. Things like, ‘What things do I actually like about my business?’ and ‘What things are driving my business forward? Am I spending enough time in that category?’ 

It’s super helpful to ask yourself questions like these from time to time. It helps you check in with yourself as a business owner and with the success of your business. It’ll help guide you to where you should go next and feel confident about that choice. 


what i wish i could tell my younger self. www.iammichellegifford.com


7 Lessons to Little Momma Michelle

I started my business 15 years ago. It’s so crazy how my business–and me–have transformed since then. I’ve done so many different things that seemed big each time I tried something new. Now that I have hindsight I’m so grateful for taking the risks because it’s led me to the best version of myself and my company today. 

So, what would you tell your younger self? Here’s what I would tell little momma Michelle. 


Lesson #1: You’ve got time.

Do not rush through your experience of finding your passion and starting/growing a business. When I first started out, I felt so much stress and pressure that if I didn’t start my business right then, I would never be able to do it. 

Truth is, you have a whole lot of life ahead of you. And, you have quite a bit of time after your kids are old enough to be in school or are out of the house. The time with your kids is limited, so don’t ever feel like your kids are keeping you from achieving your dreams. There’s nothing wrong with working while being a mom and there’s nothing wrong with balancing your priorities between motherhood and work. 


Lesson #2: What you do now is setting yourself up for the future. 

I was learning one skill after another when I started my entrepreneurship. I was sewing dresses for my Etsy shop, I took a photography course, started a non-profit, and so many other things. I learned skills that are invaluable which have prepared me for my business today. I’m definitely thanking my past self right about now. 

how to grow your business for the mom business owners. www.iammichellegifford.com


Lesson #3: Your kids are going to be awesome. (And also stinky pants’.)  

A lot of times, biz mamas struggle with mom guilt. I felt like I was constantly worrying about if I was spending enough time with my kids and whether or not they knew I loved them. These thoughts popped into my head over and over again whenever I would devote time and attention to my business. But, my kids are older now and they are just fine. 

It’s not worth worrying about. As long as you remind yourself of the amazing mother you are, your kids will see that too and they will be just fine whether you are working or not. 


Lesson #4: You can change your mind. 

Oh my goodness, I have changed my mind about my business more times than I can count. I’ve changed the name of my business, who I serve, the type of product I sell, and more. Even though changing your mind seems scary and looks as if you aren’t sure what your vision is, that’s not the case. 

If anything, you are getting MORE clear and honed in on your brand and who you serve and how you serve them. So, change your mind as many times as it takes for you to get where it feels right. 


Lesson #5: What’s right for you now may not be what’s right for you later. 

You are in control of your business. You get to decide how much time to put forth, how it runs, and everything about it. You know how much time and money to invest. Who else is guilty of feeling inadequate when comparing yourself to other business owners? 

Shake the insecurity of you not doing it like them. Instead, tell yourself, “I’m going to figure out what to change in my business.” We are all on our own timelines, so it’s never fair to compare ourselves to others, it’s only fair to compare to our past selves! 

the best ways to grow your business and yourself as the owner. www.iammichellegifford.com


Lesson #6: It’s OK if they don’t understand. 

When you run a business, there are going to be people who don’t understand. I’m here to tell you it’s OK if your mom, sister, or best friend don’t understand. I know it could make you question things, but if you can feel your business message in your gut, trust that before anything else. 


Lesson #7: Choose one platform and really hone in on that one person with one problem. 

This is a really big one. I’ve really learned the importance of this one over the years. Once you hone in on the one type of person you serve to solve one specific problem, it’s a game changer for sure. The sooner you add this strategy to your business, the faster you’ll see the money flow in. 


BONUS Lesson #8: Only you can receive revelation for your motherhood. 

OK, I had to add this 8th lesson and it is actually the most important one! Only you can receive revelation for your motherhood. When it comes down to it, only you know what’s best for your kids and your life. You know what feels best, so trust that feeling and go with it. 

a money making strategy you'll love. www.iammichellegifford.com

Over the past year and a half my kids have been home with me and in that same amount of time I’ve quadrupled my business. If I can do it, you can. No matter where you are on your business journey, take these 7 lessons to little momma Michelle and find your own lessons that work for you! 

I have so much joy that you’re here with me. I wish I could give you a hug! Stick with your business. Believe me, you are doing things your future self will thank you for. Follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford if you want to do this business thing together! (It’s WAY more fun that way.) 

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