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The Social Strategist

How to Become Who You Are Called to Be


How to Become Who You Are Called to Be

Do you feel like you are living to your fullest potential? Most of us will answer no to that. There are many of us who want so badly to be at a certain point in our lives or in our businesses, and we just aren’t sure how to get there. That’s where I come in. I am deeply passionate about helping women learn how to become who you are called to be. Do you want in? 



This is my official birthday week and I am thrilled! I love celebrating my birthday because I’m able to see what I’ve accomplished, and YOU have played a large role in that! So thank you for being here and believing in me. I am announcing a special surprise toward the end of the post, so keep reading to get the full story! 

Now, I’ve never been one to feel a lot of emotions. It makes me pretty uncomfortable, so I don’t tend to dwell on them. So if you’ve ever wondered why I don’t share a lot of the heartache and history of what it took for me to get where I am today, now you know why. Haha! But this post is special because I’ll be sharing a bit more of my business journey because I think it’s time you knew! 


tips to transforming your business into one built to last. www.iammichellegifford.com


My Business Journey 

I have been in some sort of business for about 15 years now. (I keep track by the age of my oldest and he’s turning 15 soon!) I first got started with this whole business thing when I opened an Etsy shop selling little girl hats and dresses. 

Several years later I started my photography journey. I had always been interested in photography, but I didn’t have a camera and I had no idea how to use one. I assumed we couldn’t afford to buy a camera because we were living off student loans while my husband was in school, and we had two babies with me as their full-time mama. 

Then, one day my father-in-law said to me, “Michelle, you will never regret buying a camera.” So, I saved all the money I could from birthdays, Christmases, etc. I finally bought myself a camera. But that left me with little money to purchase a course to learn how to use it. 

Looking back, it’s crazy to think how hard and almost impossible it seemed to learn a new skill and invest in yourself. It’s not like that today, thank goodness! (cough, cough, Money Makers…cough)

I trudged ahead and started a non-profit using my photography skills (yes, I learned how to use the camera) where I published a magazine 4 times a year. This was such a big deal to me! 

I kept moving forward and started a podcast where I had hundreds of thousands of listens that I did for a time. And now, I have my business today. And I LOVE where I am with my business. 


tips and tricks to growing a successful business. www.iammichellegifford.com


The Heart Behind What I Do

Never did I think I’d be serving this amount of people, having big name clients, and making 6 figures. Starting out, my goal was to make money for Christmas presents. I met that, and now I’m doing and accomplishing so much more than I ever dreamed possible. And now it’s easy to see it because I believe so much in what I’m doing. I absolutely love it and the people who are a part of it! 

If you’re wondering how to get to this point in your business too, try thinking back to experiences that have helped you learn how to become who you are called to be. A good amount of my experiences come from my grandparents. I had the blessing of living close to all four of mine growing up. 

I live by many of the sayings my grandparents said. One that I remember best is from my grammy. She’d always tell me, “Michelle, you’re worth a million.” I know she always believed in me and she helped me believe in myself. 

Another saying is from my Grandma Jo. She’d always used to say, “I have three pieces of advice: get an education, get an education, get an education.” No matter how you get an education, just getting one is vital. And when women get an education and skills, the world changes. 


your next step to invest in yourself. www.iammichellegifford.com


My Manifesto: What I Believe

  1. I believe like never before that God is calling women to stand up and speak out. 
  2. I believe that women can be amazing moms and amazing business owners. 
  3. I believe running a business should not be confusing, overwhelming, or lonely. 

When women start to believe in these three things and in themselves, the world changes. I hope for you to be a woman of consequence because the world is changing just because you showed up. If you’re ready to be that type of woman, I am here for you. 

My goal is to help 100 thousand women by 2025 to help create clear brand messaging and efficient marketing systems so that they can build the business that they feel called to create. 

Will you be one of them? 

If you feel called, take this as your sign! Invest in yourself and turn your business into one built to last by joining my Money Makers coaching group. 


how to grow your business when juggling motherhood and other things. www.iammichellegifford.com


Money Makers is Changing 

This is the exciting news I was telling you about! Since I created my coaching group, I’ve been using the app, Channels by Marco Polo, but they just announced this month that they will no longer have the app starting in April. Talk about throwing a wrench in my plans! 

I’ve had to do some reorganizing and planning which led me to give a whole makeover to my Money Makers. I actually couldn’t be more excited or at peace about what my team and I have put together for you! 

My Money Makers coaching group is made up of three parts: 

  1. Courses
  2. Community
  3. Coaching 

Part 1: Courses

This is where the biggest change is happening. From now on, my Money Makers will have access to almost ALL of my training and courses. It used to be set up where you had to purchase each course separately, but if you join my coaching group you will have access to thousands of dollars of training. 

Some of the courses include: 

  • Blogging
  • Pinterest
  • Content Strategy
  • Email Marketing
  • & so much more


Part 2: Community

Since Channels will no longer be available, we will be using Instagram for our community. This is where you will connect with other women and moms growing their businesses. It’s amazing what a difference this community makes for those who have been in my group before. I’m a huge believer in not doing business alone and this group plays a large role in that! 

It’s so helpful for you to discuss ideas and business questions with other women who are going through the same thing at the same time as you. There’s no better feeling than feeling connected and comfortable while being vulnerable at the same time. 


Part 3: Coaching

There will be two live coaching goals per month with me. There will also be Q&A days throughout each month where you can ask me any questions you have concerning your business. 

I will also be adding in training as needed. What I mean by this is if Instagram or another social media platform introduces a new feature, I will put together a training to teach you how to use it! It can be quite overwhelming trying to keep up with all the new features and updates, so I will be there to help you along the way! 

Get access to courses, community and coaching in my money maker's group. www.iammichellegifford.com

I am beyond excited about this new and improved version of my Money Makers group. All of this can be available to you for just one yearly fee of $297, if you purchase before November 4, 2021. If you purchase the membership after this date, it will be $349

This is an incredible deal! I am a huge advocate to make growing a business as easy, clear, and affordable as possible. This group will help you learn how to become who you are called to be. If you’re not ready, you can follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford for other tips and tricks for growing your biz. 

If you feel like you’re to the point where you’re big enough and you’re starting to need some extra help running your business, my marketing agency can help with that too. You can become our client where we come up with your marketing strategy and help create content for your business. Click here to learn more about this opportunity. 

Thank you for being here. I adore all of you. See you in Money Makers!  Send me a dm if you have any questions! 

P.S. Stay tuned for a marketing strategy that will make your life SO much easier! 



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