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5 steps for making more money for your business. www.iammichellegifford.com

5 Steps to Making More Money for Your Business 

Business Tips, Money Maker Method

5 Steps to Making More Money for Your Business 

Welcome, 2022! It’s going to be a good year. And if you haven’t heard, I’m declaring 2022 the year of the Money Maker. I’m very excited about my Money Maker Method and that I’m finally sharing it with you! This is really 15 years in the making, so this is a huge deal. So, are you ready to make more money? Here are my 5 steps to making more money for your business I know will work. 

When I say my Money Maker Method is 15 years in the making, what I mean is that all the experience I’ve gained since starting my own business is consolidated into this method. I started out selling little girl hats in my very own Etsy shop. Then, I moved into photography and did a non-profit for a while. Then, I created my business that I’m doing now where I coach women on how to grow their business and make it built to last. 

Also, just in the past 3-4 years, I launched my agency, Michelle Gifford Creative, where my team and I consult with bigger businesses to launch brands, products, etc. and make your brand messaging as clear and cohesive as possible in order to make you more money and make your business more successful. If you feel like you’re ready to hire out help for your business, check out my agency here.

5 steps to making more money for your business. www.iammichellegifford.com


The Why Behind the Money Maker Method

I’ve been doing my business for a while now, and I want to make my Money Maker Method available to you because, well, we need more of us. I’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, taken so many courses, and there’s something missing from all of it. There’s no one talking to us. 

When I say “us” I mean the women who are running non-traditional businesses. Maybe you’re a mom who is doing business on the side, raising babies and a business simultaneously. Maybe your kids are a little grown, but you still like doing your business too. I’m talking to the women who may be doing your entire business out of your home or maybe a social media influencer. 

No matter what your business is, we all have the commonality of a non-traditional business. I’m here to unite us and be the voice to teach you and lift you up. Our types of businesses are really new and lucky for us they have flourished! (And even luckier for you, I started earlier on, and now it’s my life’s work to teach you so you don’t have to be alone like I was at the beginning.) 

So, if you want to be a part of this Money Maker’s community (and I hope you do) you can text “Money Maker” to 951-309-7885 where I will send you my free goal pages to kick off the money-making success you’ll have this year. (Watch my Instagram Live here where I show you how to fill them out.) 

Also, if you join my texting list, I’ll send you monthly emails, so we can track how fast our community can make a million! I thought this would be a fun way to cheer each other on throughout the year. 

the secret to making more money for your business. www.iammichellegifford.com


5 Steps to Making More Money for Your Business 

I hope you can feel my excitement as I type these words to you. It’s really amazing to see my business grow and pivot into exactly what it needs to be in order to better serve all of you. As I said, I have a community of Money Makers and those members in my community are my focus this year. 

While I will still be giving away a lot of my secrets for free through my podcast, you’re more than welcome to join my Money Makers coaching group to have full access to everything you’ll need to grow your business this year! And believe me, if you take action from the steps I share with you, your business will change and grow into something you’ve been wanting for so long. 

Joining my Money Makers group will give you a community of businesswomen to cheer you on and relate with you through it all, live coaching calls with me twice a month, and access to every single one of my courses. (You can see a list of my courses here.) 

OK, you’ve done enough waiting. Let’s jump into the 5 steps to making more money for your business! These five steps are a revamped version of my Iceberg Principle I taught a few months ago. I hope you notice my five steps now spell out “money” to help you remember them better! 

biz tips and tricks to making more money. www.iammichellegifford.com


Money Maker Method Step #1: Make Your Mark

This is where you need to know who you are and what you stand for. The three elements of your brand are: what they see, what they say, and what you stand for. You need to have a cohesive, consistent feel, so when people see your content on Instagram, they automatically know it’s you. 

How do you get people talking about you and your business? The first step is to know who the person is that would talk about you. Getting really specific on who you serve will help you make your mark in an unforgettable way. You can even take it a step further by helping your person know how to talk about you. For example, something I say all the time to you, my kids, and others is, “You’re the best.”  Now, my kids are saying that to me! And it’s because I taught them how to talk to/about me from a phrase I’ve said over and over again.  


Money Maker Method Step #2: Optimize Your Opportunity

This step is all about figuring out your customer journey map. The basics of this map are knowing your customer has a problem and your business has the solution to that problem. It’s up to you to create the stepping stones to move your customer from being sad with a problem to happy with a solution you’ve given them. 


Money Maker Method Step #3: Nurture and Notify

You need a place that you own where you can nurture and notify your followers and/or customers. This place is your email marketing and text messaging. Obviously, you can nurture and notify your people on social media, but you need a place that you own. Relying solely on social media can be pretty risky because you can run into problems like your account being hacked into, the app not working properly, Instagram taking your post down in order to protect itself in some way, etc. 

I’m a total advocate for social media, and I think it’s a lot of fun to use it to grow my business. However, I feel a lot better knowing I have my email marketing and text messaging to chat with my people where I’m in complete control of when and where my messaging is sent out. 


Money Maker Method Step #4: Establish Your Ecosystem

What I mean by establishing your ecosystem is having your own website. Your website is your home base where all of your customers should be led to. Having a website has so many pluses to it, like having a blog site so you can be more searchable, selling products, and looking more professional to potential customers. 

Maybe you don’t know how to set up a website that attracts the right person. And then once they get there you may not know how to get them where you want them to go. This is something I’ll dive deeper into in another podcast episode (so stay tuned!). You can also check out my Showit website templates if you’re interested in having a website you’re absolutely in love with and can’t wait to share with clients and customers. 


Money Maker Method Step #5: Yell to Your People

This step refers to all the content you’re producing for social media, YouTube, blog posts, etc. This is everything people are seeing (A.K.A. the tip of the iceberg) and having a firm foundation underneath will make your “yelling” much more worthwhile. You’ll actually feel like you’re in control of your content strategy and not just posting a reel because some expert told you to. 

All the steps before this one are so important because it makes your marketing memorable which leads you to make more money. And what do I say about women making money? When women make money, they make magic. 

when women make money they make magic. www.iammichellegifford.com


Are you Ready to Make More Money this Year?

I promise you if you take my steps seriously and follow along on my podcast and blog this year, you will see some major changes in your business–and you will make money. If you want to join my community, don’t forget to text “Money Maker” to 951-309-7885. Or, if you want to go all-in and join my coaching group, click here

If you found my 5 steps to making more money for your business helpful for you, you’ll definitely want to stick around. I’ll be taking a deeper dive into each of these steps throughout the month and then the rest of my content will only be getting better and better from then on! Follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford for all the latest tips and tricks for turning your business into one built to last. 


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