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Hey! I'm Michelle!
The Social Strategist

The Michelle Gifford Podcast ep. 64- How to Get Unstuck. My top 3 tips to get you moving forward again! www.IamMichelleGifford.com

How to Get Unstuck with Your Business

Business Tips

Today I want to talk to you about that feeling of being stuck and 3 ways to get yourself unstuck. There are seasons of life where you just feel stuck. You feel like you need to make a change but you just don’t know how to get it done. Sometimes you just don’t know how to get unstuck. I felt this way recently. I knew I needed to make a change but I just didn’t have the guts to do it. It’s so hard because sometimes  you can just feel unmotivated. And that’s ok. But you shouldn’t stay there for very long.

I had a call recently with a good friend, and she was feeling the same way. So we decided that sometimes you just need to take a week and feel stuck and unmotivated. You get through that week and know that next week you’ll feel better. I want to shorten the time that it takes you to get unstuck with my 3 methods for getting unstuck. 

The Michelle Gifford Podcast ep. 64- How to Get Unstuck. My top 3 tips to get you moving forward again! www.IamMichelleGifford.com

My Top 3 Tips for Moving Past Being Stuck

1- Getting Unstuck When You Aren’t Feeling Well

Let’s talk about your feelings of being stuck. Like I said before, i was feeling this way recently. Sometimes you feel stuck because  you don’t feel well. I got a sinus infection and felt stuck for a few weeks. So maybe you feel stuck because your body is fighting an infection, or maybe your hormones are out of whack. We all have those times, right? We feel like we are stuck and we will be stuck for forever.And we won’t have motivation again to do what we know needs to be done.  The reality though, is that you’re going to get better and you will have motivation again soon. Hang on tight friend, it’s going to get better. You will get unstuck soon.

2- How to Get Unstuck When You Have Hit a Wall

Sometimes we feel stuck because we have hit a wall. We have a question that is going unanswered, or we have a big project that just seems too big to tackle so we end up staring at the wall feeling stuck. Feeling like we can never accomplish what needs to be done. My friend Ally, who owns Journey Five clothing, says that when we hit a wall it’s really not a wall, it’s a stair. And we need to step up. Up your game. Maybe you’ve been wanting to do a course, or launch a product, or step up in another big way. But we just don’t know what to do so we end up doing nothing. 

Here’s what to do in this situation:

  1. Write down what is making you feel stuck. What is it? Why can’t you move forward? Do you need more info or education? Do you need help? 
  2.  Write down the action steps to getting it done. 

I’ve started selling a planner that I created on my site. (Get yours HERE) It’s a great planner for women business owners because it lets you keep everything from meal planning to business planning in one place. As part of selling these planners, I have a distribution center I go through that mails the planners out. When I first started selling the planners I would have to manually enter each order on the distribution centers site. It took about 5 minutes per order. At first it wasn’t a big deal, but then it got more and more annoying to do each order individually. I knew I should automate it, but the idea of setting that up felt overwhelming to me.

When I sat down and thought about the steps needed to set up the automation, I figured out that part of why I felt stuck was because I just didn’t know how to automate it. I thought I did, but it wasn’t working, so I knew I’d need help from customer support. And you know what– it only took me 1 ½ hours to get it all set up and working correctly so now I don’t have to touch any of the orders that come in, and I have emails set up to go out to those who purchase the planner so they can be nurtured as well. I want you to do this–figure out what is the wall, what needs to get done. And then take action to get it done, so you can get unstuck. 

3- Getting Unstuck and Realizing You Need to Learn Something New

Think about what you don’t know. Sometimes when I’m stuck, I need to learn something new. So look around and think about what makes  you excited, what do you want to learn about? Even if it doesn’t benefit your business. Is there a class you can take, a youtube video you can watch, a cake you can bake….what can you do to get your creative juices flowing again? 

Take crazy big action. The b2b summit is something I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time. The latest summit was my 2nd one I’ve done. But I’ve been sitting on the idea for a really long time.And one day I just decided that I was going to do it. And my crazy action was that I emailed a bunch of people to be in it. I was putting things in motion. I couldn’t un-email them, or take back the invitation. What can you do that will get you out of your rut and get you moving again? What crazy action can you take to propel you forward?

Maybe it’s saying yes to a business course? Hint-I’ve got an amazing course that is opening soon!                                                 

Check out the Biz Sister School HERE!

Take some crazy action, make it big and something that pushes you in the right direction. 

Ok sister, these are my 3 steps for how to get unstuck. I don’t want you to feel stuck. I want you to feel progress. And accomplish your goals. And I want your business to grow. You’ve got this! 

Are you a part of my FREE facebook business group? Join us HERE!

How I propel myself forward when feeling stuck. My 3 simple tips to get you moving forward! www.IamMichelleGifford.com
How to get un-stuck in life and business. My top 3 methods for pushing forward. www.IamMichelleGifford.com
Getting Un-Stuck: My 3 methods for pushing myself forward. www.IamMichelleGifford.com

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