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The Social Strategist

Maskcara Artist Podcast with Kirsten Tyrrel

How to recruit Maskcara Artist Ep 5 with Kirsten Tyrrell

Maskcara Business

How to recruit for Maskcara Artist with Kirsten Tyrrell for the Maskcara Artist Podcast with www.IamMichelleGifford.com


How to recruit for Maskcara Artist with Kirsten Tyrrel

How to recruit for Maskcara Artists?  I get asked that question A LOT and the answer is, well, I don’t recruit. Like for reals.  I haven’t really recruited anyone, almost my whole team has come to me.  Recruiting isn’t my thing (and it probably shouldn’t be your thing) and I don’t really believe in going through a list of names and emailing them asking them to join.  What I do believe in is building a brand online and then attracting the right people to you.  It’s worked for me.

I started this Maskcara Experiment along side my sister-in-law, JoEllen (check out her site here) in June and we have built a great sized team.  And most of the girls who have joined us have found us online.  Yep!  ONLINE!  There is power in the internet and I have a blogging course that helps you harness that power and get the right people to you and it is under $100 bucks ($50 off) through the weekend so go check it out now .  If you are ready to start a blog, you can check out my free step-by-step guide to setting up a blog here.

This past week, Kirsten, my upline, Maskcara leader and Marvelous Moms Club podcaster, and I got together.  We recorded a podcast that gives you her three tips to recruiting (and we even talk about why we think recruit is a bad word).

Listen to the podcast above or find us on iTunes or Stitcher.  Make sure you subscribe while you are there so that you can be the first one to know when things are happening.  And remember, share this with your upline, your downline and everyone in between.

How to recruit for Maskcara Artist with Kirsten Tyrrel for the Maskcara Artist Podcast with www.IamMichelleGifford.com

Want to find the podcast on your phone?  Here’s how you do it.

Click on the purple podcast app on your phone.  Search for “Maskcara Artist” and the image above should come up.  Click on it and subscribe.  Have a listen, share with your downline and leave a review.

Here’s how to leave a podcast review on iTunes.

1. Launch Apple’s Podcast app.

2. Tap the Search tab.

3. Enter Maskcara Artist.

4. Tap the blue Search key at the bottom right.

5. Tap the album art for the podcast.

6. Tap the Reviews tab.

7. Tap Write a Review at the bottom.

8. Enter your iTunes password to login.

9. Tap the Stars to leave a rating.

10. Enter title text and content to leave a review.

11. Tap Send.

how to recruit Maskcara artists with Kirsten Tyrrel for the maskcara artist podcast with michelle gifford
how to recruit for Maskcara with Kirsten Tyrrell for the Maskcara Artist Podcast with www.IamMichelleGifford.com

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