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The Social Strategist

What to Pin and Post in August on Pinterest

Content Creation, Pinterest

When it comes to Pinterest, you need to be aware of the trends for each month. If you aren’t thinking ahead and employing a Pinterest strategy, you won’t see the growth on Pinterest that you are looking for. To help you, here’s what I recommend when it comes to what to pin and post in August on Pinterest.

Did you know that along with teaching women how to build their businesses online through my coaching group, Money Makers, I also have an agency that will take over your Pinterest, email marketing, and blogging for you. If you’re ready to outsource your content creation and get specific business strategy advice from me, click here to find out how to hire us!

For this post, I consulted my Pinterest expert and asked her what she sees as the top trends for Pinterest as we head into August. Here are the trends she recommends being aware of when you’re planning what to pin and post in August.

What to Post and Pin on Pinterest in August. Plus a bonus strategy tip! www.iamMichelleGifford.com

What to Pin & Post in August


Since we are getting closer to fall, you can and should start pinning holiday content. Specifically, start pinning diy Halloween content and Thanksgiving. But, you can also begin pinning Christmas content. We all need something to look forward to! When it comes to what to pin and post in August on Pinterest, remember that the biggest holidays of the year are right around the corner!

Back to School

Kids are preparing to head back to school. Because of the COVID restrictions, this is looking different for everyone. So, whether your audience is homeschooling, virtual schooling, or heading back in person, content that includes schooling is great to share on Pinterest.

For 2020, any content that you can pin on Pinterest that addresses the COVID restrictions is really doing well, too. I’d say that when you plan what to pin and post in August, anything regarding going back to school will always be a good choice.


With so many celebrations being postponed due to social gathering restrictions, weddings are still a popular search on Pinterest. It may seem odd to think about summer weddings in the fall, but we are still seeing a lot of searches being done for wedding inspiration. Specifically, we are seeing Pinterest searches for 2021 weddings. We are all hoping to be able to celebrate with our loved ones in 2021!


When you’re wondering what to pin and post in August, keep in mind that in many parts of the country, camping will still be happening into early fall. We have Labor Day coming up at the beginning of September, and that is a big camping weekend for many areas. So keep pinning those camping pins!

Bonus Pinterest Strategy Tip for August:

According to my Pinterest expert, Pinterest is now encouraging very niched down boards over generalized boards. But, her advice is to not add a whole bunch of very specific boards at once. Instead, try 1-3 niched down boards that you can pin to through the end of the year. Test, test, test! Use those boards as a test for your Pinterest strategy. See how they perform for a few months and then adjust your strategy as needed.

Time to Plan Your Content

I hope these Pinterest tips and trends help you as you plan your content for August. I always recommend planning your content out a month or two in advance. This way, you are set up for success and ready to really grow your business. Remember to take my tips for what to pin and post in August and adjust them so they reflect your audience on Pinterest. This is how you’ll see the most growth!

I’ll be sharing more Pinterest tips on my Instagram page and my podcast. Follow me on those platforms for more from me!

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