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The Social Strategist

steal my client's strategy that got her 300k instagram followers. www.iammichellegifford.com

Steal My Client’s Strategy That Got Her 300K Instagram Followers

Instagram, Social Media

What does it take to grow 300 thousand followers in one year? We did just that for one of my agency clients, and I will break down what we did to make this happen. I can’t wait to see the success you have once you implement these steps in your business this year! Here’s everything you need to know to steal my client’s strategy that got her 300K Instagram followers. 



It’s one thing to say you doubled your Instagram following because that could mean you went from 5K to 10K followers. Our client started at 206 thousand followers and now has 508 thousand, so we helped her more than double her following. The best part is that this follower explosion has increased her sales every month as well. 

One reason why I’m spotlighting the strategy we did for this client is to prove that this strategy didn’t only work for me to grow my Instagram following super fast, but for her too. We have completely different niches, brands, products, etc. and this same strategy worked. If it worked for us it will work for you too. 


steal my client's strategy that got her 300k instagram followers. www.iammichellegifford.com


Steal My Client’s Strategy That Got Her 300K Instagram Followers

It has been so fun and exciting to see my client’s Instagram account explode. Over the past few days, she’s gained 80K followers–in DAYS! That is crazy. And it’s happening because her reels are going viral. And these reels aren’t just bringing in random people, but it’s bringing in her target audience who are interested in her content and products. This is a huge deal because you could create viral reels all the time, but if they are not speaking to your ideal customer then it doesn’t matter. 


Instagram Strategy Step #1: Get very clear on your niche. 

This step is not a surprise, but it seems to be pretty hard for people to grasp. To find your niche you need to know who you serve and the problem they have that you can solve through your products. This formula is the basis of everything. 

When thinking about your ideal customer, brainstorm about who they really are. What does their daily life look like? Do they have kids? Are they married? How old are they? Are they empty nesters? Are they women who go outside of the home to work? Are they healthcare professionals? Where do they shop? Are they Target shoppers or Nordstrom Rack? 

You want to get SUPER specific here and know exactly what kind of person they are and how they spend their time and money. Then, you’ll dive into how you would talk to this type of person. 

One of my secrets for this is I think of a person I know personally who is in my niche. I label them as my ideal customer and then I notice their personality traits, how they respond to certain pieces of news, what kind of tips and tools they need to take their next step, what podcasts they listen to, etc. 

Then, I create my content as if I am creating it for just that one person I’m thinking of. This makes such a huge difference in how you create because you may not have an idea of what type of content to create but then you talk to your friend (your ideal customer) and you’ll get an idea from something they said that will help you know what content to create next. 

I’ve talked A LOT about this topic, so check out my blog posts HERE if you want more niche inspo! 


Instagram Strategy Step #2: Get clear on your brand voice. 

You probably follow a few of your competitors or other people in your industry to help you get your creative ideas flowing. This is totally fine to do, but too many times we look at other people’s content and we start copying them. 

Instead of copying, commit to creating content because the more you create the more you start to hear your voice. I hope you create reels and post in your stories and then look back and feel like you didn’t really like how you worded something or how you sounded. This is you learning who you want to be and what your brand voice is! 

Knowing your brand voice will help you know what type of songs you want to put in your reels, what type of references you want to include in your content, and what topics to focus on in your stories because you’ll know who you speak to and your purpose for being there. And the more you post, the more you’ll discover what your brand voice is. 

If you need a push in figuring out your brand voice, I recommend writing down 3-5 words that really represent you and what you believe in. For example, my words are fun, authority, trust, relatable, and empowered. These five words help me show up the way I want to and deliver my content with confidence to the people I am here to serve. Once you figure out your 5 words, they will guide you to owning your brand voice and sharing it in your content.


4 steps to shift your instagram strategy and explode your following. www.iammichellegifford.com


Instagram Strategy Step #3: Create/have a proven content funnel.

This step is really important, especially with curbing your expectations. My client has a product that has been proven to be really good at solving a specific problem in her industry. We know that the path from being an Instagram follower to buying her product is pretty short. Having this proven content funnel helps her know how Instagram fits into her overall business strategy which makes a huge difference. 

How can you get to this point with your product? First of all, what type of product do you sell? Is it physical, digital, or your influence? Knowing how you make money will help you know how people are paying you. When you know how people pay you then you can do more of that thing that will bring in more people that will buy from you. 

If you don’t have a clear product then it’s hard to figure out where the money is coming from. So, decide on how you make money and then test that product out. Your product does not have to be perfect for it to do well. However, you do need a product that people can use so you can get feedback and make adjustments to make it better. 

I want you to be confident in your product and the only way for that to happen is to get it into people’s hands and let them test it out. Your content funnel should be what’s leading people to purchase from you.

With my client, we’ve had a whole year of testing her product and content and following her analytics. Her content has been driven by her analytics. We check them every week and see which content is and isn’t working. Then, we create more of the content that’s working (going viral, getting more followers, etc.)


Instagram Strategy Step #4: Create content for people who do not follow you.

I talk a lot about this step in my own strategy. I use reels to get in front of people who don’t follow me yet, so I don’t show up as if they already know me. I create content for the people who don’t know me, but should and will want to watch, save, and share. 

We use this same strategy for my client and we’ve helped her niche her content down to attract her target audience that provides tremendous value and builds a community. 

We also create content that nurtures the audience she already has. So when someone comes to her feed, she doesn’t just have all these viral reels, but anchor content that nurtures and gets people to stick around. This content also establishes her as the expert in her industry. 

This strategy is HUGE because we want to make sure the right people are finding your account and purchasing from you. If you don’t have a clear niche, don’t understand your brand voice, not clear how people go from following you on Instagram to purchasing your product, not following your analytics or posting reels and nurture content then it does make it really hard for you to grow.

I know this post covers a lot of points, but if you had thoughts while reading through about things you could create or things you could change in your strategy, I want you to take action on that one thing. That one thing is your first step. Don’t let your doubts or fears stop you. You are more intuitive than you give yourself credit for. Trust the thoughts you have and follow through with them. You’ve got this, friend. 


how to explode your instagram following fast. www.iammichellegifford.com


Steal My Client’s Strategy That Got Her 300K Instagram Followers

I hope you’re ready to steal my client’s strategy that got her 300K Instagram followers now after reading this post! These are tactical steps you can put into place right now. If you need some extra help or guidance, check out my agency HERE and we’d love to help. And, of course, make sure you’re following me on Instagram @iammichellegifford.

P.S. If you need help with your social strategy, I’m your girl. Specifically for Instagram, we have an Insta Social Society, which is my monthly membership. The membership includes a weekly email of trending audios, a monthly content plan, and access to my training and lives with me and the community. This is a great place to start! Sign up for Insta Social Society HERE

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