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The Social Strategist

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters

Maskcara Business

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters

Have you ever been to a business conference?  Well, it is something special.  There is something about being in the same room with like-minded business mommas and engaging in some serious learning.

This past weekend, I went to the GLOW conference put on my favorite girl, Kirsten Tyrrel.  There are very few things that I love more than a good speaker and we had Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters, two amazing women who taught us how to step into who we are supposed to be and kill it at business.

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com

I mean, are you kidding me right now? Nicole and I are practically best friends in these pics–and in real life:).

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com

AND, guess what!  I taught a class on Blissful Branding.  We have a misconception that branding has to be really hard, but it doesn’t.  Branding is all about solving the problems of your potential customer over and over again.  Wanna know how I started my speech?  I taught this whole big room full of women how to line dance.  Yep, that’s right.  Line dance.  We were in Nashville, Tennessee, it seemed like the perfect setting and the perfect object lesson to learning how to brand.

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com

Are you interested in watching?

From now until March 8, you can buy a digital pass that includes ALL of the talks and info we learned at Glow.  You should totally go out and snag yourself a seat before their gone.  Click here to buy. 

You won’t regret it, I mean that line dance alone is worth it.

Want to know what I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters?

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com

#1. Things get real hard right before they get great.

I’m not going to lie.  The weeks leading up to speaking were rough.  I cannot believe the amount of attacking that was going on inside my head.  “You are not going to do a good job”, “who are you to help anyone”, “they probably know everything you’re going to teach”, “you’re speaking after THE Rachel Hollis, how are you ever going to be successful at that?”.  Now, these voices aren’t new, but the intensity and power was.  Really.  It completely threw me off my game.

This continued until I took the time to turn it over to the Lord and to take a step back to feel exactly why I was doing it.  (In fact, it took my life coach Lisa Funk from Handlettered Design to walk me through it.)   The truth is that my goal was to help, to serve and to love on everyone there.  I had some really valuable content to share and the longer I sat in my yucky thoughts, the less effective I could be at serving.  And I really wanted to serve these people.  So, I had to step into that and once I made it about them and not about me, everything changed.

Then when I got to the conference, I can not tell you how wonderful it was.  I was in my element.  I was with my people. It was amazing.  This conference was a big step in my business journey and if I would have let myself be paralyzed by all of those thoughts, I would have missed out.  And so, my friend, if you are going through something hard, know that things get real hard right before they get great.  Keep going.  Step-by-step.

#2. What you are doing is bigger than your product.

Most of those who were at Glow are a part of an MLM.  You know I love Maskcara (you can join my team or try the product here) but being with all of those amazing people and hearing the stories of how their products have changed lives, made me realize that my business, your business, is much bigger than your product.  Our businesses are about making our life better and changing the lives of our customers in the process.

#3. Find ways to feel your impact

Doing business mostly in the online space can be a funny beast.  I put all of this content out there with my podcast, blog posts, FB groups (Modern MLM and Biz with Michelle) and Instagram, and yes, I do get comments and likes, but there is something magical about hugging someone and hearing how you have helped them.  This happened to me over and over this weekend and it changed me.  Meeting you changed me.  I realized that me playing small because I’m too scared or because I don’t want to fail is actually a very selfish move.

So, I would encourage you to find ways to feel your impact.  Get out there and start talking to the people you serve and meet them in person, if you can.  Send out an email or a post and ask how you are helping them.  Seeing how much of a difference you can make will light a fire under your buns and get you motivated to make a difference.

Okay friends, there were so many things that I learned at Glow Conference (and if you want to catch the replay, you can buy it here) but most of all, I learned the I matter, you matter, we matter.  The more each of us steps into who we are supposed to be the better.

If you want to listen to this episode on my Modern MLM podcast, check it out here:

Have you been to a conference?  Which one?  Leave me a comment.  I’d love to hear.

Looking for all of my free resources like Insta stories guide or 30 free blog post ideas and more, check out my FREE resource library.  

What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com
What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com
What I learned from sharing a stage with Rachel Hollis and Nicole Walters my business lessons from www.IamMichelleGifford.com

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