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What to do After I Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist

Maskcara Business

Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist 3 things to do when you sign up as an artist, Free downloadable worksheets from www.IamMichelleGifford

When you Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist: 3 Steps to take

You’ve been studying and praying and you finally took the leap to be a Maskcara Artist.  You bought the kit, now what?  If you have a good upline, then you should be getting a welcome email letting you know what’s next.  But, just in case you didn’t get that email, here’s my What to do After You Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist Tips.

(You should check out my 10 Reasons I became a Maskcara Artist in this blog post)

I Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist 3 things to do when you sign up as an artist, Free downloadable worksheets from www.IamMichelleGifford

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Write down your why

This may seem a little crazy and a bit too soon, but actually it is one of the most important steps.  Why did you join Maskcara?  And I don’t want your answer to just be: make money.  I want you to go a little (or a lot) deeper than that.  If you joined for money, great!  What are you going to use that money for?  Is it for your kids?  Is it to get out of debt?  Or maybe your why is that you love makeup.  But, your deeper why might be that you want to help other women see how beautiful they are.  Write down your why, print it out and hang it up so that you can see it every day.  To make this business work, YOU will have to work and it is going to be hard.  Having your why at the forefront of all you do will give you the focus to work hard to achieve your goals.  Which brings me to the next thing you need to do.

Write down your goals

A goal without writing it down is just a wish, so get that baby on paper.  The first goal that I want you to write down is your biggest, most amazing, wildest dream goal.  Don’t be modest or scared.  Just write down the most amazing goal you can think of for your Maskcara business.  No one has to see it, but there is power in writing it down and giving voice to your dreams.

Next, write down your one year goal with Maskcara makeup, include amount of money you want to make each month, number of direct lines, rank, everything.

Last, break down the year and figure out the benchmarks you need to meet each month to reach your goal.  One of the mistakes I made when I first started out with business is that I didn’t account for growth throughout the year, so, for example,I would just say that I needed 3 new recruits each month to reach 36 legs.  Well, that is a great goal, but success breeds success, so the it might take a couple of months to get traction.  In the beginning, I might get 1 recruit the first couple months, three the third and fourth month.  As you grow your program and get the word out about you, the more successful you will become in all areas.

Learn the basics

You can’t make money if you don’t know how to enter an order.  Take some time to get to know the back office.  When you sign up to become an artist, you will get access to video tutorials on the basic procedures.  This is definitely not the glam part of being an artist, but the most successful girls, know the back office really well.

Maskcara Back Office Checklist

  • learn how to make an order
  • learn how to host a party
  • learn how to add a new customer


Now dance it out.  You just joined one of the best businesses out there.  Excited for you to join us.  Well, why you are on that artist high, dance it out then get some work done and build a solid foundation for your business.

Sign Up as a Maskcara Artist Maskcara Blog Free downloadable worksheets from www.IamMichelleGifford

Want my free worksheets?  Click here to download them

Artists, if you like this article, you should probably pin it so that you can send the link to your new recruits. They will love you for it!

Not an artist yet, but love having a business expert in your corner?  Join my team!  You get my business training and mentoring for free.  Contact me or use my artist number #1935 to sign up.

Lastly, leave me a comment and let me know your why for signing up as a Maskcara artist.


Maskcara blog, Maskcara artist 3 things to do when you sign up as an artist, Free downloadable worksheets from www.IamMichelleGifford

  1. Kasara Lindsay says:

    My why for becoming an artist!
    I worked since I was 15 and until I started having kids, love my two boys to pieces!!! I felt like I needed something more for myself to feel like me again and, not have to take my kids to day care I still wanted to be around them all the time. I wanted more interaction with adults, get to know more people and make connections! So when my friend approached me I jumped on board, after talking to my husband, he was not as excited as I was but he told me I could do what I wanted! With the money I make we want to use it to help us build our house so it’s all going to savings!!

    • michellegiffordphotography@gmail.com says:

      Being a stay at home mom is the best! This has become an amazing group of ladies, hasn’t it. So glad to have you with us!!

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