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Why Digital Marketing is Important for Small Businesses

Business Tips, Social Media

Why digital marketing is important for small businesses

Digital marketing is quickly replacing more traditional forms of marketing like radio, TV, and print advertising. The vast majority of Americans own smartphones and are spending more time online. It makes sense to reach your potential customers where they spend a lot of time. Here are five reasons why digital marketing is important for small businesses.

Find out why digital marketing is important for your small business. IAmMichelleGifford.com

Digital marketing is important for small businesses

Why digital marketing will work for your business #1: Affordability

With traditional media, it can be hard to tell which efforts are most cost effective. You can spend a lot of money on radio and TV ads without seeing any results (not to mention the fact that these are probably not within your budget). When you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend on marketing, you want to get the most bang for your buck. The cost per lead is significantly lower with digital marketing – averaging $53 for each social media advertising lead. Search engine optimization (SEO) is even less with $31 per lead. 

Focus on creating content on a regular basis through one digital channel at a time. If all you can afford right now is to set up an email marketing system, do that! If your target audience is on Facebook, look into social media advertising. You can also create a Facebook group for free and find followers that way. It takes small steps but pretty soon you’ll see how far you’ve come. 

Why digital marketing will work for your business #2: Ease of tracking

Tracking the success of your efforts is easy with digital marketing. Tools like analytics can help you see which channels are bringing in the most traffic for the least amount of money. You can view which ads, posts or emails lead to the most clicks. From there, you can make adjustments (even in the middle of a campaign) to determine where to focus your efforts in the future.

Don’t stress if one channel ends up not working out for you. Go back and try again! Or if it’s too much for you to handle, hire my team to help you! We can manage your digital campaigns and keep you up to date on the latest trends. 

Why digital marketing will work for your business #3: Global reach

Digital marketing isn’t limited to a local audience. You can reach people across the world and at all hours of the day through digital channels. People can interact with your brand whenever and wherever it is convenient for them. They don’t have to wait until business hours to ask a question. Make sure your website is full of information about your brand and have a way for them to submit additional questions. 

This doesn’t mean, however, that the entire world is your target audience. You still need to niche down who your prospective customers are. How old are they? Are they more likely to spend time on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok? Or do they prefer podcasts or YouTube? Decide who your audience is and how you can best reach them


Learn why digital marketing is important for your small business. IAmMichelleGifford.com

Why digital marketing will work for your business #4: Validity

When someone is curious about your small business, the first place they will look it up is on the internet. If you do not have a website, customers may not take your brand seriously. People are more likely to click on the first few search results. Your website can be near the top by utilizing SEO. Use a plugin like Yoast with WordPress and it will assist you in making your posts easier to find in searches. I talk a lot about this and other SEO tools in my Blogging with Brilliance course.

Think about what phrases customers would be using to search for your company. Repeat these key phrases throughout your post and on each summary of the page for Pinterest and other search engines. Use testimonials of existing customers to convince new customers to try your product. If you go to my website’s homepage, you’ll see several of my clients’ names listed toward the bottom. They also appear periodically on my podcast

Many of my clients have created a huge following on Instagram but didn’t have a website to back them up before they started working with me. While social media is a great tool, blogging is more long term. I encourage all business owners to focus on either a blog, YouTube, or podcast. 

Why digital marketing will work for your business #5: Personalization

Tailor your advertising and emails to your customers. You can selectively target buyers within whichever demographics you choose. An email management system allows you to collect information about each consumer. This is something you own and is such a great asset for your business. Use the reactions to posts on your social media channels to determine which topics your buyers are most interested in. You can also send out surveys through email and social media and use the feedback for future campaigns. Follow-up emails after a sale can convert one-time customers into repeat customers. 

It’s time to get started with digital marketing!

It’s never too late to start building your brand’s presence online. Your competitors are already doing so. If it seems intimidating, start small with one channel like a blog, Instagram, or email newsletter. You can still see results quickly with a small investment into your brand.

Our Money Makers community is great for new business owners like you! Come join us!

And for more business tips and tricks, follow me on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. I also have a weekly podcast where I share my experiences in running a small business. 

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