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7 reasons to take your brick and mortar business online

7 Reasons to Take Your Brick and Mortar Business Online

Business Tips

7 Reasons to Take Your Brick and Mortar Business Online

Are you thinking about getting a website for your business, but are still a little hesitant? There are so many benefits to creating an online presence for your business, but I’ve narrowed it down to my top 7 reasons to take your brick and mortar business online. There are so many (free) resources out there to help you with something like this, so now is really the perfect time to do it!


7 reasons why to take your brick and mortar business online. www.iammichellegifford.com


If you’re new to my blog, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Michelle Gifford. I am a brand and marketing strategist, and I help small businesses grow and scale. I give daily marketing strategies and biz tips on my Instagram and TikTok. And I am the CEO of my marketing agency, Michelle Gifford Creative where I get to work with some of the most incredible people (on my team and my clients)! 

I am full of real-life tips and tricks on how to grow a successful business. I’ve been in business for over 15 years now, and I love nothing more than helping people like you get to your biz success faster! You shouldn’t have to do business alone, so follow along with me and I’ll help you on your biz journey! Business should be way more fun (& money-making) and I know how to take you there.


7 Reasons to Take Your Brick and Mortar Business Online

Now, that you’ve gotten to know me a little bit better, I hope you’re ready to consider taking your biz online! (I also hope I get to know you better soon too!) I am all about taking your biz to the next level, and if your next step is a website then I’m here to help. If you still need a little bit more convincing, here are my 7 reasons to take your brick and mortar business online. 


Online Business | Reason #1: You can grow beyond your physical location.

This first reason is pretty obvious, but it is a really good benefit! Imagine how many more people you could serve when you take your business online. You’d be able to reach people across the country, and even across the world. I’ve worked with so many different clients who have been able to expand their business because they’ve taken it online. And every single time they have been amazed at how much they could actually accomplish. 

I’m all about dreaming bigger, and taking your brick and mortar business online is one of the first steps in doing that. If you’re wanting to take your business online, but aren’t sure where to start, you can hire my team! We will help you anywhere from branding to content strategy, and everything in between. Check us out HERE.


Online Business | Reason #2: You can make money while you sleep (or while spending quality time with your family). 

I know many of you are starting businesses in your home alongside raising a family. I am so proud of you for doing that! We all know starting up a business can be VERY time-consuming, so the sooner you get the systems in place that will make you money 24/7, the better off you will be. 

Having a website with your products and services listed and available for purchase allows you to sell without ever having to talk to your customers face-to-face! You can have the best of both worlds where you get that one-on-one interaction with your customers in your storefront, but you could be selling to so many more people if you have a website in place. Check out my website templates HERE if you want to set up a beautiful website that you’ll love. (Good news! Most of the work is already done for you!)


why you should take your brick and mortar business online. www.iammichellegifford.com


Online Business | Reason #3: Your business can become bigger than you ever imagined. 

If I could go back in time and tell myself any advice back when I first got started in entrepreneurship, it would be to dream bigger. I would tell myself to think of the biggest most beautiful dream–and then dream even bigger. You are capable of so much more than you realize. And all it takes is to keep taking that next step and believing in yourself along the way. 

Creating an online space for your business allows you to gain followers on social media, YouTube subscribers, email subscribers, podcast listeners, etc. However you end up bringing your business online, it’s an incredible thing to see your influence grow more and more, and see people who want to follow you and purchase your products!


Online Business | Reason #4: You can better serve your customers.

Bringing your business online creates a great opportunity for you to better serve your customers. For example, if you own a plant shop and you often have customers who have house plants, but they keep dying, then you could include some type of education either in a written or video format teaching your customers how to keep house plants alive.

You can create how-to videos or any type of tutorial and keep it on your website that your customers can access any time day or night. This is supporting your customers without you actually having to talk to them in a live conversation. It’s a win-win!


Online Business | Reason #5: You can build a stronger brand.

Having a website and a place to send potential customers not only strengthens your brand but also makes you more credible. More often than not, businesses today have a website, so if you have a beautifully designed website with all of your company information on it, that is a great way to show customers that you are professional and serious about your business–and serving them in the best way possible. 

I also have some of the best tips when it comes to building a stronger brand, especially online. It really comes down to being super clear on who you serve, how you serve them, and what your potential customers will gain from purchasing your products. If you want to know my secrets to create the most convincing brand messaging, check out my blog post HERE.


why you need an online presence for your biz. www.iammichellegifford.com


Online Business | Reason #6: The benefits far outweigh the cost. 

It’s almost free to start up a website for your business. And there are also tons of free resources out there to help teach you along the way. You can check out my blog post HERE where I go over my favorite resources for running a business online. Everything from graphic design to scheduling your content, meetings, etc. Some of them require a subscription, but most of them have a free version. 

I’m a huge believer in investing in your business. When you invest a little bit in your business, it will grow far more than it would have without spending any money on it. I know it can be scary at first when money is tight, but I promise you it’s a good decision. 

I also recommend investing in yourself a little bit too, as a business owner. Don’t be afraid to go to a retreat, take a course, or sign up for that email marketing system. Whatever it is, it’ll be worth it. All of these things are going toward something even greater and will bring you more opportunities to serve your people and make more money. Doesn’t that sound great?


Online Business | Reason #7: It makes you more memorable. 

There are hundreds of thousands of businesses out there, all trying to reach their target audience. Having a website that stores all of your products, services, and more is not only an easy fix to make your business memorable, but it’s what your customers are expecting. I recommend hiring a professional to create some high-quality products for you when setting up your online brand. 

If you’re worried about not knowing where to even start when creating an online presence for your business, hire out the help. You don’t need to be the expert in every single thing in your business, and the things where you’re iffy on, hire the professionals to take care of it for you. Any time I’ve hired someone to help I have always been so happy with the results! There’s nothing like getting back some quality work that I didn’t have to do myself.


tips and tricks for creating an online presence for your business. www.iammichellegifford.com


7 Reasons to Take Your Brick and Mortar Business Online

So, did my 7 reasons to take your brick and mortar business online convince you? If you’re still feeling a little bit overwhelmed by it, I totally get it. I’ve been there, but I believe in you. You can do this! Come send me a dm over on Instagram with any questions you have about it and I will send you a message back! You can find me @iammichellegifford and make sure to give me a follow to get all the best tips and tricks on running a successful biz!

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