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Discover why ManyChat is the future of chatbot marketing. www.iammichellegifford.com

Why ManyChat is the Future of Chatbot Marketing

Business Tips

Why ManyChat is the Future of Chatbot Marketing

Welcome to the one thing that will change your business forever. It definitely has for mine, and I know it will for yours too. No matter if you’re just getting started or have a well-established business, ManyChat offers services that will expedite your lead generation without you having to spend any more time thinking about it. This reason, and a few more, is what makes this software take businesses to the next level. Keep reading to find out why ManyChat is the future of chatbot marketing. 


why manychat is the future of chatbot marketing. www.iammichellegifford.com


If you are new to ManyChat, check out my post HERE which will give you the ultimate guide to chatbot marketing. It’s everything you need to know to get started! I also have a couple of ManyChat YouTube tutorials you can check out HERE and HERE.


How ManyChat is Changing the Way Businesses Market Themselves

Before ManyChat, businesses would manually search through comments, DMs, emails, etc., and respond to each one in real-time. As the business grows it becomes harder to keep up with the engagement. Maybe the CEO would hire an assistant or a team to help manage customer care, but even then things could slip through the cracks. 

Instead of paying people to keep up with your engagement, invest your money in a chatbot marketing software–like ManyChat. Then you can use your hired help for things of more value like content creation and SEO research. 

ManyChat allows you to automate the things that once took you way too long to do. It finds you new leads, keeps track of which strategies are bringing you the most leads and sales, instantly answers FAQs, and so much more. And you get all of this by paying only $15/month. 

When you can create these marketing strategies and have them run 24/7 behind the scenes while you continue to run the more intricate parts of your business, it’s going to change the way you market yourself and your products/services. 

Once you set up your chatbot flows, ManyChat will do the rest and keep track of what is and isn’t working in your marketing strategies. As you look at the analytics, you can alter your flows and strategies to focus more on what’s bringing you the most money. More and more businesses are signing up for ManyChat because of this benefit alone. It is completely changing how businesses market themselves and you need to be a part of it. 


how to future-proof your marketing strategy. www.iammichellegifford.com


How to Stay Ahead of the Curve with ManyChat

If you’re not sure about signing up for ManyChat and commit to yet another thing in your business, that’s OK. I don’t want you committing to something you don’t feel ready for. However, I urge you to consider letting go of something else so that you can say yes to ManyChat. 

There is a free version you can try before committing to the pro membership and you get access to its basic tools and functions up to 1K contacts. Once I signed up for ManyChat my email list TRIPLED in a matter of months. You have nothing to lose and you deserve to have the same success other businesses are having without having to work twice as hard for it. 

Now, if you’re all in and ready to go with ManyChat, how do you stay ahead of the curve? I recommend finding some experts and content creators who put out ManyChat tutorials and watch those regularly. ManyChat also has a large bank of blog posts and guides on its website that you can search through to help you learn the ropes of how this chatbot system works. Just hover over the “Resources” tab on its homepage and you’ll find the info! 

It can be a lot to learn all at once, so pace yourself and make small goals to help you reach your overall goal of using ManyChat to grow your biz. Also, I recommend at least having the pro version so you can have more access to its features and can reach more than 1K contacts. You can use my code “MICHELLE” at checkout to get your first month of pro membership for FREE! 


tips for staying ahead of the curve with chatbot marketing. www.iammichellegifford.com


Tips for Using ManyChat to Future-Proof Your Marketing Strategy

Tip #1 – Make ManyChat’s Analytics and Metrics your new best friend

Tip #2 – Take advantage of the templates ManyChat has for the different flows you can create

Tip #3 – Customize your flows by using your brand language and personalizing the messages

Tip #4 – Create a flow that draws people from your main platform to your email list

Tip #5 – Create tags on ManyChat to keep your customers and messaging organized


The Potential of ManyChat for Businesses of All Sizes

ManyChat is set up in a way so it can grow with your business. It has three different pricing plans and each one lines up with the size of your business. No matter if you are a brand new business and only have a few hundred followers or a booming biz with hundreds of thousands of followers, ManyChat can help automate your processes and get you more business faster than you could on your own. 

With ManyChat’s genius chatbot software, it can increase your lead generation and even automate the process for you–and this function is available with any of the three pricing plans. To learn more about the pricing plans check out my post HERE


why manychat is the future of chatbot marketing. www.iammichellegifford.com


Why ManyChat is the Future of Chatbot Marketing

The automation and its ability to pinpoint successful marketing tactics are the reasons why ManyChat is the future of chatbot marketing. I am blown away by what ManyChat has done for my business in the few months I’ve used it so far. When I saw what it’s capable of I knew I wanted to be a part of it and I know only more and more businesses will continue to sign up. You need to be one of them, so you can experience the great success and growth it will bring your business! 

ManyChat is definitely worth a shot and I promise once you get it set up in your business strategy you’ll never look back. You can sign up for ManyChat HERE! And I even have a special code where you’ll get your first month of pro membership FREE. Just use the code “MICHELLE” at checkout. If you liked what you learned here, make sure you give me a follow on Instagram @iammichellegifford.  


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