The Ultimate B-Roll Guide for Instagram Reels

B-roll is going to be your new secret weapon for tripling your Instagram reels content. It can be exhausting creating content for Instagram so we’ve got to be smarter about how we create so we don’t get burnt out. This B-roll guide will help you create easy reels that will make you stand out in seconds. 

Just because your reel creation is made simpler with B-roll doesn’t mean it is any less valuable. You can still create a reel that is niche-specific and adds tons of value through the text on the reel and the caption. Not sure how to make this work for you? This post will walk you through exactly what you need to know to get started making B-roll for your Instagram reels strategy.


The Ultimate guide for using b-roll in your Instagram reels.


What is B-Roll?

Back in the day, B-roll video was used as filler when creating films. It patched gaps between the main scenes. Now, B-roll is much more! It’s the sights, sounds, and movement that bring your video to life. Think of it like adding details to your story. You can use B-roll of anything, from nature scenes to you making dinner. 

Even though we’ve ditched film for digital, B-roll remains a powerful tool for content creators. It tackles short attention spans by adding visual variety, tells stories quickly with close-up shots, injects context and emotion through relevant visuals, polishes the look of phone-filmed content, and even lets you repurpose existing videos. By making your Instagram visually engaging, informative, and emotionally resonant, B-roll becomes a secret weapon for standing out on the platform.


What is a B-roll Instagram reel?

B-roll for Instagram reels is when you record yourself doing something and use it as the background of your video. Usually, you’d see text over the B-roll that complements the video. For example, if you’re sharing tips on podcasting you could have B-roll of you recording a podcast as the background of your reel.

These types of reels are really quick and painless to make and can literally be made in a matter of minutes. The key is to add some valuable content in the video and caption and attach some trending audio to it. This combination is what will give you the best chance for your B-roll reel to go viral!


how to create scroll-stopping Instagram reels using b-roll.


How to get B-roll footage?

You do not need to overthink this. You probably already do so many things every day that you can film as B-roll. It could be you prepping a meal, going on a walk, working on your computer, reading a book, etc. The possibilities are endless.

The best B-roll is when you are on vacation or visiting somewhere that you don’t normally frequent. This will give a change of scenery for your viewers which will help grab their attention. I recommend shooting one location or focal point from three different angles. Having multiple perspectives will give you more content to work with and allow you to see which footage works best with your content.

If you’re wondering how to set up your phone to capture B-roll, you can either use a tripod or try FlipStick. You can find my favorite tripod HERE. I also use FlipStick which is a sticker you put on your phone case and you can flip it out to either use it as a kickstand or flip it all the way up and stick it on almost any surface. It’s so easy to use and makes filming video quicker and seamless.


How do you structure a B-roll Instagram reel?

The best way to structure a B-roll Instagram reel can be done in 4 quick steps:

  • Record a 5-12-second video of yourself doing anything
  • Attach trending audio
  • Add a hook
  • Include valuable content in the reel and caption

Check out my blog post HERE that goes into more detail about each step. Plus, it covers the easiest ways to find trending audio and how to create killer hooks every single time.


the Art of b-roll for Instagram reels.


How long should B-roll be?

The best range to go with when creating B-roll is 5-12 seconds. It’s meant to stay short so you can keep your audience’s attention. Since B-roll is a short shot of something, the best type of content to put with it is a quote, quick tips, or something similar that can be easily absorbed when viewed. You can always direct your audience to read more in the caption.


What are some common mistakes to avoid when filming and editing B-roll?

  • Recording B-roll that does not fit in your niche. You want the content you are creating to fall within your niche. While it can be fun to mix things up every once in a while, being too broad will confuse your audience. The more consistent you are with your B-roll, and the content you post with it, will help your followers–and especially potential followers–know what you want them to do and how you serve them.
  • Having a bad angle. As I mentioned earlier, it’s best to shoot your desired focal point from three different angles. This will help you compare and see which one would be best to use in your reel. Plus, if more than one angle looks good you can just add it to your B-roll bank! Again, I recommend getting a tripod or FlipStick to help you easily get the best angles while filming.
  • Adding in too many effects. You want to keep this B-roll footage as simple as possible. It’s meant to speed up your content creation, so don’t spend too much time overthinking it or adding in extra effects if they are unnecessary. Most of the time you should be able to take your original B-roll footage and add the content immediately for your reel.


best tips and examples for using b-roll in your Instagram reels.


What are some good examples of B-roll?

Here are a few examples from yours truly and from some of our favorite clients! Watch each one and think about how you could recreate it in your own way and appeal to your audience.


Michelle Gifford


b-roll Instagram reel example.


Angela Rose Home


Instagram reel using b-roll.


Lille Eats and Tells


b-roll tips and examples for Instagram reels.


Happy Happy Houseplant


example of an Instagram reel using b-roll.


The Ultimate B-Roll Guide for Instagram Reels

Now that we’ve covered the basics, you can see how filming B-roll can be quick and painless for your content creation. I can’t wait to see you level up your Instagram content AND save time by switching up your Instagram content strategy. The next time you feel overwhelmed with posting a reel, remember, just grab some B-roll, add some value to it, and hit post!

If you liked this post and want some more coaching on growing your Instagram reach, you would LOVE my Insta Social Society. Check it out HERE


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The Ultimate B-Roll Guide for Instagram Reels

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