Year of the Money Maker–Our Race to a Million! At the beginning of the year, I declared this the year of the Money Maker. What does that mean? This year, we would focus on the money-making part of our businesses. If you are reading this, you might think it a little silly. Of course, you should be making money with your business. I know, I get that. But, you’d be surprised to see how many women, especially moms, who run businesses have some hang-ups with making money.
Signs you might be weird about money:
- When a friend/neighbor/someone you kind of know, asks you how much you charge you freeze or stumble around your words not exactly sure how to respond.
- You don’t have a set price list. You vary what you charge based on how brave you feel that day.
- When you tell people your price, you say it with a question mark at the end, not a period (or exclamation point).
- You don’t know your numbers: how much you are making or how much it costs to run your business.
- Talking about money makes you feel ashamed or icky.
- You charge less than you know you’re worth because you’re scared of what others might think.
- Your thoughts around money resemble the thoughts you have about an ex-boyfriend who dumped you. (I hate you. I wish you were around more. When you’re not around, I feel bad. When you’re with me, I feel gross;)
So, what’s the cure? How do I make peace with money?
- We talk about it.
- We track it.
- We celebrate it.
Today, in this post, we are celebrating it. We are celebrating YOU. For the last two months, my community has been keeping track of their money and reporting it to me. We have collected everyone’s numbers and added them up to see how fast we could make a million dollars as a community. There were some businesses that made $50 and some that made $50,000 and more. Guess what. It all counts. Every last cent. The goal here is to help you see that you are a part of something much bigger than yourself. You are a part of a million-dollar community. That’s a big deal.
Remember: When women make money, they make magic.
I believe that is true for the $50 and the $50,000. There is magic in both.
And now, for the numbers for Year of the Money Maker — Race to a Million
In January, our community made: $614,664
In February, our community made: $795,602
In two months, our community has made: $1,410,266!!!!!!
It took two months to make a million. That’s it. I hope you see the power in this. I hope you see the truth that you are a part of something grand and when one succeeds, we all succeed. I’m so proud of the community that we are building. This community has strong women who are building strong businesses and who are making a strong influence in the world. Make sure you are following me on Instagram (it’s where I share the bts of business mom life).
If you want more help making more money, then, it is time to join Money Makers. Money Makers is my business coaching group. In Money Makers, you get all of my courses (worth $1,000’s), coaching (2 monthly Zoom calls), and a community that lifts you up and cheers you on.
Click here to join for $347/year.
I’m so proud of you and am so grateful you’re here!
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