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how to turn your instagram followers into loyal buyers. www.iammichellegifford.com

How to Turn Your Insta Followers into Loyal Buyers

Email Marketing, Instagram, Social Media

How to Turn Your Insta Followers into Loyal Buyers

Growing your Instagram followers is great, but what if you take it a step further and turn those followers into email subscribers? This is something you can build into your Instagram strategy, so you can grow your Instagram AND your email list at the same time. But how do you do it? I’m spilling my strategy on how to turn your Insta followers into loyal buyers, right here right now. 



Why does it even matter to get people from Instagram to your email list? Instagram is a really great place to find people and attract them to your content. But how do you turn those followers into buyers? One of the best ways to do this is to get them on your email list. You may have heard this concept before, and for good reason–your email list is a platform you actually own. You are just renting your followers on Instagram, but if people are subscribing to your emails, you have much more control over what content you share and how you build your relationship with them. 

This strategy of bringing my Instagram followers over to my email list is something I implemented about 8 months ago and it has completely changed how I’ve grown my email list. I’m all about automating systems wherever you can, so I love the fact that I’ve automated this process and have been able to see my Instagram following and email list grow faster than ever before. I want that for you too, so let’s get started. 


how to turn your instagram followers into loyal buyers. www.iammichellegifford.com


How to Turn Your Insta Followers into Loyal Buyers

Before, there was such a disconnect between my Instagram followers and my email list. I didn’t know how to bring them over–until I discovered this really great platform, Many Chat.

Many Chat is an automated software that you can connect to your Instagram account. You can set up a couple of different automations, but the one I’m using the most is when someone comments a specific word on one of my posts then it triggers a DM to the person who wrote that comment. 

There are other platforms that offer similar services, but I prefer Many Chat because it is Meta verified. Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, said that Many Chat is a certified partner, and because of that those who use it are not getting dinged by the algorithm when the automation happens. 


my new secret weapon for turning instagram followers into loyal buyers. www.iammichellegifford.com


 Many Chat FAQs


Q #1: How much does Many Chat cost?

There is a free version where you can engage up to 10 thousand contacts free of charge. There is a pro version and it starts off at $15 per month and it goes up based on the number of contacts you have. For example, if you have 10 thousand contacts it costs $65 per month. If you have 30 thousand it costs $165 per month. 

The monthly price increases as your number of contacts increases. If you have millions of contacts then you can get a custom quote. This is a fixed monthly cost, but you could start out paying $0. And this is definitely a tool you want to test out and see how it’ll help you grow on Instagram and on your email list. 


Q #2: What features are included with Many Chat?

There are a lot of different features you can use with Many Chat. It has a texting feature, a broadcast feature, and a few more. The broadcast feature is actually really cool because it’s another way to add your personality when you send a DM to the people who opt-in for it. You can check out the full list of Many Chat’s features HERE


Q #3: How do I add Many Chat into my strategy?

The first thing to do is sign up for a free Many Chat account. You can do that HERE. Then, to build it into your strategy you will need to create an email opt-in if you do not already have one. An email opt-in is generally some type of free product you offer your followers that will add value to their lives. If they want this valuable product that is completely free, they will click on your opt-in link and sign up to receive your emails. 

Once you have your freebie set up and your email marketing system (if you do not already have one set up, check out my post HERE that’ll give you my top recommendations and details on each one), it’s time to create a reel teasing your freebie. 

Your reel should give a little sneak peek of what your freebie is and then in your caption, you can include the trigger word they need to comment in order to get full access to your product. Click HERE to see an example of how this works. 

Biz Pro Tip: Make sure your trigger word is specific and not one that people would comment anyway. For instance, I would never include “Instagram” as part of my trigger word because people are using that word in lots of comments when they are asking me questions. So make sure the trigger word you choose is super specific, so the automated DM gets sent to the people who are asking for it and not to those who may ask for it on accident. 


Bonus: Email Opt-in Ideas

  • PDF/printables
  • Free training
  • Templates
  • Audio
  • Phone wallpaper

Whatever the format of your email opt-in is, choose something that is in your niche and will solve the problem of your people. Really getting specific will help here! But do not overthink this, remember you are offering it for free so you don’t want to spend too much time creating it. 😉 


how to get your instagram followers to your email list. www.iammichellegifford.com


How to Turn Your Insta Followers into Loyal Buyers

I hope you go set up a free Many Chat account right now and test out this amazing resource. It has helped my email list grow by the thousands AND increase my engagement on Instagram. Using this automated software is really how to turn your Insta followers into loyal buyers.

One of the reasons why Many Chat is such an exciting tool is that AI and automation are coming in and affecting your strategy whether you are ready or not. Learning how to use these tools now will help you be more personal and more segmented in the people you are connecting with. This will give you more power to deepen your real-life connection with these people. 

If you liked what you learned here, make sure to follow me on Instagram @iammichellegifford. And I’d love to know how your Many Chat experiment goes, so send me a DM and let me know! 


Helpful Posts to Set Up Your Email List & Sales Funnel


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